
Legislative Priorities

The American Feed Industry Association represents its diverse membership on Capitol Hill, advocating for policies that promote safety, quality and sustainability in feed production. In the 118th Congress, the AFIA remains actively engaged, monitoring and analyzing legislation that impacts the feed industry while fostering dialogue among coalition partners. Through its advocacy efforts, the AFIA strives to shape policies that benefit its members and contribute to the overall health and continued prosperity of the agriculture sector.

Click the links below to learn more about the bills the AFIA is tracking:


Innovative Feed Enhancement and Economic Development (Innovative FEED) Act (S. 1842/H.R. 6687)
The Innovative FEED Act (S. 1842/H.R. 6687) aims to modernize the Food and Drug Administration’s regulation of animal food ingredients with non-nutritive benefits (e.g., improved production, emissions reduction, food safety), reviewing them as animal foods and not as drugs. The AFIA, along with nearly 200 state and national agriculture organizations and companies, support passage. Read AFIA’s issue brief>> or Learn more here>>
Securing American Agriculture Act (H.R. 8003)
The Securing American Agriculture Act (H.R. 8003) bill would require the U.S. Department of Agriculture to annually review global supply chains for U.S. agriculture inputs, in particular, vitamins and amino acids crucial animal food production. The AFIA supports this bill to mitigate potential supply chain disruptions and risks to animal welfare, food security and the economy. Read AFIA’s issue brief>>
Enteric Methane Innovation Tools for Lower Emissions and Sustainable Stock (EMIT LESS) Act (S. 4056)
The EMIT LESS Act (S. 4056) bill seeks to reduce enteric methane emissions from American dairy and beef cattle operations by expanding the USDA’s research and incentivizing emissions-reducing practices on farms. Backed by a diverse coalition, including the AFIA and several agricultural and environmental groups, this bill represents a bipartisan push for sustainability in agriculture. Read AFIA’s issue brief>>
Sound Science for Farmers Act (S. 3719)
The Sound Science for Farmers Act (S. 3719) would promote better accountability, stakeholder outreach and scientific quality in the Environmental Protection Agency’s assessments, risk evaluations and regulatory actions for important chemistries used in the agricultural, food safety and manufacturing sectors. Recently, the AFIA has voiced concerns over the EPA’s rushed and unscientific reviews of formaldehyde, a critical tool used in feed for pathogen control for over 40 years. This bill would require the EPA to consult and consider the impact of its review of formaldehyde on the agriculture industry before restricting its use. Read AFIA’s issue brief>>


Farm Bill
The U.S. animal food industry is doing its part to help the country achieve its food security and climate goals by providing a continuous, safe and nutritious feed supply in a manner that optimizes environmental quality and the stewardship of natural resources. The AFIA is urging Congress to support key Farm Bill programs that can ensure the industry remains competitive globally in the future, increases research and trade promotion dollars and can mitigate or control animal disease threats. Read AFIA’s issue brief>>  
Fiscal 2025 FDA Appropriations
As of early May, it is still too early in the appropriations process for a bill to be introduced, as the House and Senate appropriations subcommittees are processing requests received from members and hearing testimony from the various federal Cabinet agencies on their budget requests. The AFIA, along with our coalition partners, are working to support additional resources for the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine to conduct timely reviews of animal food ingredient submissions.