policy issues

Assuring the Continued Use of Safe Biotechnology in Agriculture

For nearly 25 years, the U.S. livestock and poultry industries have used genetically modified (GM) crops as ingredients in animal feed. Research has shown that these ingredients do not pose any health risks to the animals that consume them or to the humans that eat the resulting meat, poultry, dairy, egg or fish products.

At the American Feed Industry Association, we recognize that GM crops are an important tool for the agricultural community to use to sustainably meet the growing food and feed demands of a world population that is expected to triple by 2050. Biotech crops have been proven to help farmers cultivate more yields using less land, while also reducing their overall greenhouse gas emissions. For example, estimates show that had biotech crops not been available in 2018 alone, farmers would have needed to plant an additional 59.8 million acres to maintain crop production levels that year. At the AFIA, we value scientific research that fosters innovation in agriculture, so more people have access to affordable and nutritious food.