Feed Bites

Feed Bites Archive

It's AFIA Award Season!
May 19, 2022
It's AFIA Award Season!

Every year, the American Feed Industry Association has the honor of thanking those who have greatly impacted our industry in a positive way. These outstanding individuals represent the ‘best of the best,’ exhibiting amazing expertise to help the AFIA achieve its goals and objectives, providing outstanding support to the entire feed industry throughout their careers and making significant contributions to animal feed.

By Lacie Dotterweich
Ask Julie: Will COVID-Era Policies Stick?
May 13, 2022
Ask Julie: Will COVID-Era Policies Stick?

Labor is top of mind for many of our members and the industry, so we asked three animal food industry experts – all named Julie – for their input on the topic. Julie Zimny is the global human resources leader with Cargill Animal Nutrition; Julie Sexton is the senior vice president and chief human resource officer with Land O’Lakes, Inc. and Julie Coble is the human resources manager with Kent Nutrition. Here is final post of the three-part series.

By Sarah Novak
Signing Off – AFIA's "Advocacy" Chair
May 12, 2022
Signing Off – AFIA's "Advocacy" Chair

It is very difficult for me to believe how quickly the past year has come and gone. It seems like only yesterday I was thanking Church & Dwight Company’s Scott Druker, previous AFIA Board chair and our first “virtual” one at that, for his leadership through some very challenging times. While some uncertainty remains in the global marketplace, significant progress has been made toward realizing our new post-pandemic normal. This has certainly been the case for the American Feed Industry Association.

By Guest
Meet Our Summer Intern: Gracie Wagner
May 11, 2022
Meet Our Summer Intern: Gracie Wagner

This week, we welcomed recent college graduate Gracie Wagner to our communications team as this year’s summer intern. She has a background in animal sciences and a passion for learning about how the agriculture industry tells its story to those who aren’t familiar with it. I recently asked her a few questions so we can all get to know her a little bit better.

By Victoria Broehm
5 Things I Learned at FII
April 28, 2022
5 Things I Learned at FII

It’s uncommon for a class to be offered on literally almost everything you need to know about an industry. That’s what makes the animal food industry and the Feed Industry Institute (FII) so unique. FII is a great educational forum that provides deep-dive lectures on the basics on animal nutrition and the process for manufacturing feed/pet food and getting it to market. Creating a list of most interesting things I learned during FII was very hard because there is just so much to choose from! Alas, out of the nearly 30 sessions on every facet of the industry, here are five interesting things I learned while participating in the last FII.

By Lacie Dotterweich
What Does the War in Ukraine Mean for Agriculture?
April 26, 2022
What Does the War in Ukraine Mean for Agriculture?

Ukrainian wheat fields turned mine fields and farmers turned soldiers – the implications of these disruptions will be felt in global agriculture for years to come. Recent news coverage has been peppered with stories of Russia’s brutal attacks on Ukrainian citizens, including its efforts to destroy the infrastructure necessary to sustain the Ukrainian people and export agricultural commodities to the global marketplace. While these stories certainly pull at our heartstrings, and as an industry, we are working diligently to head off a looming food crisis, we are also concerned about what the long-term ramifications may be from this war. 

By Lacie Dotterweich
Has COVID-19 Improved Feed Industry Biosecurity Programs?
April 18, 2022
Has COVID-19 Improved Feed Industry Biosecurity Programs?

Biosecurity is often defined as procedures intended to protect humans or animals against disease or harmful biological agents. For the animal food industry, biosecurity manifests as putting in place plans or programs intended to prevent feed, people and vehicles from introducing and/or spreading pathogens to livestock and poultry.

By Paul Davis, Ph.D.
Food Security Through Feed Resiliency
April 14, 2022
Food Security Through Feed Resiliency

This week, we were thrilled to host representatives from the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) to explore opportunities for cooperation between the United States and the European Union to not only enhance trade opportunities between the trading partners, but also to safeguard food security by strengthening the resiliency of feed and food value-chain partners.

By Constance Cullman
Ask Julie: How Does "The Great Resignation" Affect Us?
April 11, 2022
Ask Julie: How Does "The Great Resignation" Affect Us?

Labor is top of mind for many of our members and the industry, so we asked three animal food industry experts – all named Julie – for their input on the topic. Julie Zimny is the global human resources leader with Cargill Animal Nutrition; Julie Sexton is the senior vice president and chief human resource officer with Land O’Lakes, Inc. and Julie Coble is the human resources manager with Kent Nutrition. Here is part 1 of 3 of the interview. 

By Sarah Novak
Understanding the Implications of GM-Free Feed
April 5, 2022
Understanding the Implications of GM-Free Feed

In recent years, an increasing number of foods are being marketed and labeled as free of genetically modified (GM) ingredients. For milk, meat or eggs, this means the animals these foods come from are fed exclusively non-GM feed. You need to look no further than current headlines to see the attention given to rising food prices, the need to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other sustainability elements.  

By Lara Moody

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