Feed Bites

Feed Bites Archive

Happy Birthday, Betty!
January 17, 2022
Happy Birthday, Betty!

Like the rest of America, I was sad to hear the news of Betty White’s passing on New Year’s Eve, a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday, which would have been today. She has always held a special place in my heart – not only because she shares a Jan. 17 birthday with my grandma (who is turning 96 today!!), but because she always put a smile on people’s faces and used her talents for service of others, including some four-legged creatures.

By Victoria Broehm
5 Reasons to Celebrate Milk Today
January 11, 2022
5 Reasons to Celebrate Milk Today

On our last grocery trip, my fiancé and I brought home two half gallons of ice cream, seven bags of shredded cheese, one gallon of milk, three packages of cream cheese, a quart of heavy cream and an extra-large package of string cheese. I think it’s safe to say that we love milk and dairy products and celebrate milk all the time!

By Lacie Dotterweich
How to Talk to Friends and Relatives About Feed and Animal Ag
January 7, 2022
How to Talk to Friends and Relatives About Feed and Animal Ag

A few days ago, I sat down to read the Washington Post and noticed an article on “healthy” eating, which characterized beef and animal protein as bad for humans and the earth. While those of us in the industry know this is “fake news,” our friends, neighbors and teenage children may not.

Do you know how you can share the story of how, through upcycling and innovation, our industry is making people, animals and our planet healthier?

By Erica Burson
A Love Letter to AFIA Events
January 6, 2022
A Love Letter to AFIA Events

One of my favorite parts of my job working at the American Feed Industry Association is getting to see members at our events. While I enjoy my day to day duties of keeping up with issues affecting animal food manufacturers and writing newsletters, blogs, social media posts, etc., it really hits home when I am able to meet and get to know the people I am helping. It also doesn't hurt that we have the NICEST and friendliest members!

By Lacie Dotterweich
Your Favorite Blog Posts of 2021
December 31, 2021
Your Favorite Blog Posts of 2021

While 2021 presented many challenges, another year of discussing hot topics that affect each and every one of our readers on the AFIA Feed Bites blog is definitely something to remember and celebrate. In this time, we shared how the animal food industry is advancing climate change solutions, honored industry trailblazers, offered opportunities for greater market access, learned how a new administration can shake things up, and much, much more!

By Lacie Dotterweich
Earning Trust with Customers Through SF/SF
December 14, 2021
Earning Trust with Customers Through SF/SF

Zinpro Corporation, a manufacturer of trace mineral nutritional solutions, has been FSC36 Safe Feed/Safe Food (SF/SF) certified since the American Feed Industry Association launched the program in 2005. In 2019, the company switched to the International SF/SF certification. In a recent article for Pet Food Processing, AFIA’s Paul Davis, Ph.D., director of quality, animal food safety and education, who oversees the SF/SF certification program, spoke with Zinpro’s quality assurance manager Fred Molenaar about why the company continues its participation in the program and some of the changes he has seen over the years. 

By Victoria Broehm
Happy Holidays from AFIA & IFEEDER!
December 21, 2021
Happy Holidays from AFIA & IFEEDER!
By AFIA Editor
Building Relationships With Local Legislators Benefits Your Company and the Industry
December 16, 2021
Building Relationships With Local Legislators Benefits Your Company and the Industry

One of the main priorities of the American Feed Industry Association is to represent our industry on legislative and regulatory issues. The AFIA staff consistently communicates with legislators to provide them valuable data that assists in determining policy positions and regulations. These efforts are critical in driving the positive changes required in our common goal of producing safe, nutritious and high-quality animal food.    

By Guest
Uniting Feed and Animal Protein Production Through the Protein PACT
December 9, 2021
Uniting Feed and Animal Protein Production Through the Protein PACT

Consumers today want to see that our food choices have a positive impact on our health, communities and the environment around us. We at the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) believe that eating meat is not only compatible with that goal, it is integral to achieving it - we cannot achieve the sustainable, healthy future people need without meat.

By Guest
Valuing Circularity in Sustainable Food Systems
December 6, 2021
Valuing Circularity in Sustainable Food Systems

A circular economy seeks to design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use and regenerate natural systems. Waste reduction and food loss recovery via the utilization of coproducts and by-products has long been a component of the animal feed and pet food supply chain. As the animal food industry considers its role in climate neutrality and other sustainability outcomes, we must also advance our ability to measure and assess existing processes as well as new technologies.  

By Lara Moody

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