Feed Bites

Feed Bites Archive

One Paw Ahead of the Curve
January 28, 2021
One Paw Ahead of the Curve

On Tuesday, more than 200 professionals across the pet food industry gathered virtually for the American Feed Industry Association’s 14th annual Pet Food Conference. Given that over the past year we have all faced challenges navigating the unrelenting coronavirus pandemic, it was uplifting to hear from several experts who said the pet food industry remains a bright spot for U.S. businesses and pet owners. 

By Victoria Broehm
Making Safe and Nutritious Pet Food Possible
January 27, 2021
Making Safe and Nutritious Pet Food Possible

Every year, new research and innovation comes forward to improve pet health and nutrition. At the American Feed Industry Association’s Pet Food Conference yesterday, we had the opportunity to recognize two of our industry colleagues who have helped make pet food safe and nutritious. Through the Friend of Pet Food Award, AFIA is able to recognize those who are making significant contributions to support the growth of the pet food industry. It is our pleasure to thank 2021’s amazing individuals! Hear what some of their industry peers had to say about these award winners below.

By Lacie Dotterweich
Top 5 Tips to Make Virtual IPPE Week a Good One
January 20, 2021
Top 5 Tips to Make Virtual IPPE Week a Good One

Normally, a week before the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE), I’m busy checking lists on what we shipped to Atlanta, confirming flights and hotel reservations and picking up my dry cleaning so I’m ready to pack my luggage. This year, like much of the past 10 months, is very different. Who knew last year when I was in Atlanta that it would be one of my last flights for the year and my last time to see so many of my industry friends?

By Sarah Novak
SPS, Our Favorite Acronym!
January 14, 2021
SPS, Our Favorite Acronym!

Hang around the American Feed Industry Association international trade team long enough and you will hear “SPS issues,” “SPS barriers to trade” and “more commitment to SPS in trade negotiations” pretty frequently. Gina Tumbarello and I love throwing around the acronym “SPS!” Many of you may ask, “what does SPS mean and how can SPS issues or barriers affect AFIA members?” I look forward to a challenge, so here we go on a blog journey about SPS measures and why they matter to the feed industry.

By Mallory Gaines
Equipment Manufacturing: Passing the Torch
January 12, 2021
Equipment Manufacturing: Passing the Torch

As baby boomers reach retirement age and start to make plans to leave their careers behind in favor of warmer climates, recreation and much deserved rest, there is also the drawback for the companies they work for as the wealth of knowledge they possess, leaves with them. No industry is exempt from the challenges that will come with the transition of power from the baby boomers to generation X and millennials. As the torches get passed down, it is crucial that a well-thought-out succession plan exists to aid the next generation of leaders and keep them on the path to continued success with as few hiccups as possible.

By Guest
Resolve to Embolden Future Ag Leaders in 2021
January 7, 2021
Resolve to Embolden Future Ag Leaders in 2021

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”

Elizabeth Hernandez, of Corteva Agriscience, posed this question to a global audience of mostly women at the recent Women in Food and Agriculture Digital Festival. She shared a captivating story of how a sign bearing this question at Facebook, where she previously worked, changed the way she thought about risk in the workplace. Others believed in her more than she did herself, which pushed her to take chances, some of which failed, but ultimately, propelled her to become a leader in the field.

By Victoria Broehm
Feed Safety: At the Heart of Business
December 15, 2020
Feed Safety: At the Heart of Business

Animal food safety is at the heart of CPC Commodities’ business. They feed their own cattle feed that is produced with the same ingredients and processes and the company prides itself on providing quality feed that was “proven on our farm--made for yours.”  Participating in the American Feed Industry Association’s Safe Feed/Safe Food certification program is just one way that CPC Commodities helps ensure that their feed is safe and that the resulting foods that come from those animals, regardless of whether it is meat, milk or eggs are safe for human consumption. Below is a recent interview with CPC Commodities’ Regulatory Compliance Manager Michelle Estes on the certification program.

By Victoria Broehm
2020 – A Reason to Celebrate
December 17, 2020
2020 – A Reason to Celebrate

2020 was a year that I have been looking forward to for so many years. My entire family was. 2020 is the year my family’s farm in Fairmont, Minn., turned 100 years old. A century farm! That’s a pretty big deal and a reason to celebrate…until we couldn’t celebrate.

By Leah Wilkinson
Your Favorite Blog Posts of 2020
December 29, 2020
Your Favorite Blog Posts of 2020

For the most part, 2020 is not a year most people will look back on favorably (I know I won't). It turned the world upside down and brought all of our everyday lives to a screeching halt. However, one thing that I will look back on with fond thoughts is that our AFIA Feed Bites blog turned one year old. 

By Lacie Dotterweich
Happy Holidays From AFIA & IFEEDER!
December 22, 2020
Happy Holidays From AFIA & IFEEDER!

Happy Holidays from the American Feed Industry Association and the Institute for Feed Education and Research! Please note that the AFIA's offices will be closed Dec. 23 - Jan. 1, 2021.

By AFIA Editor

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