Feed Bites

A Heartfelt Thank You: Wrapping Up My Internship Journey with AFIA

Written by: Emily Alvarez   |   December 18, 2023


As my internship journey with the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the incredible experiences and growth that this opportunity has provided. From day one, the AFIA team welcomed me with open arms, and the past few months have been nothing short of transformative. With gratitude in my heart, I'd like to extend a sincere thanks to everyone, especially Victoria and Raamezah, who have been a part of this enriching chapter of my life. 

The AFIA presented challenges that pushed my capabilities, encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone. These challenges played a crucial role in my personal and professional growth, allowing me to develop problem-solving skills and a deeper understanding of the industry. As Victoria can attest, it took me a moment to find my rhythm and align with the organization’s fast-paced work ethic, but with hard work and a positive mindset, I was able to persevere and adapt! This was a truly transformative opportunity that has put me on the right track for future endeavors.  

Although I worked remotely, one of the many highlights of my internship was the incredible opportunity to visit the AFIA office in Arlington, Va., twice. My first visit allowed me to witness the heart of the organization and provided me with a unique perspective on the industry's interface with its members. Being a part of the AFIA Marketing and Communications committee meeting enabled me to see first- hand what the AFIA really does and how much they support and involve their members. The visit to the AFIA office was not only a unique experience but also an exceptional networking opportunity.  

During my second visit, I engaged with professionals who provided insights into the intersection of industry practices and policymaking, broadening my perspective and networking horizons. Exploring the nation’s capital with Madison, another AFIA and D.C.-newbie was an experience I will forever cherish. 

As I step into my last semester of college at the University of Florida, I do so with gratitude for the opportunities and growth fostered by AFIA. This internship has undoubtedly shaped my professional career. With excitement and determination, I look forward to merging the insights gained at the AFIA with my final semester, setting the stage for a promising future in the feed industry.  

Thank you, AFIA, for an unforgettable internship experience. I will miss you all! 

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