Written by: Leah Wilkinson | June 16, 2021
This blog is part of our policy priority series.
Our members strive every day for excellence in researching and developing new ingredients for use in feed and pet food. It is our responsibility to bring products to the market that are safe for the intended species and perform as promised. So why should our expectations from our government when it comes to their job of reviewing the safety and efficacy of those new animal food ingredients be any different?
Ensuring that animal food ingredients are not stifled by regulatory red-tape and come to the marketplace in a more expeditious manner remains a top priority for the American Feed Industry Association. On behalf of our members, we are working with the regulatory staff at the Food and Drug Administration and policymakers on Capitol Hill to provide necessary resources and appropriate policy interpretations to ensure animal health and safety, while allowing for a predictable regulatory environment.
It is expensive to develop and bring a new animal food ingredient to market and when that investment is held up even further because of a slow regulatory review process, that leaves money on the table for our industry and puts our animal producers at a competitive disadvantage with producers in other countries who have access to these ingredients. Some ingredients can move relatively quickly through the system (~two years) while others linger for eight or more years.
There are many reasons for the delays, and I want to convey that the AFIA is working to make meaningful improvements to help get that excellence back into our U.S. ingredient review systems. Here’s a sampling of what we are working on:
To be a part of the AFIA’s work on this issue, I encourage you to participate in the association’s Ingredient Approval and Definition Committee (IADC) and help guide our activities to gain more certainty, efficiency and excellence in our U.S. ingredient review systems.
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