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There are 16 item(s) tagged with the keyword "education".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 16

1. AFIA Education Programs Offer Something for All and Have an Eye on the Future

"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." - B.B. King 

Indeed, there are many inspiring, philosophical quotes out there that hint at the beauty and value of learning. Education is often mentioned as the key to positive change in the world. Some go so far as to liken education to life itself. If you look at the benefits of education through a more fiscal lens, perhaps the quote below may resonate with you as well.  

Tags: IPPE, LFS, EMC, Pet Food Conference, Education, Feed Education Program
By Paul Davis
2. Reflecting on Five Years of Transformation at the American Feed Industry Association

We often look at the calendar and lament, “Where has the time gone?” At other times, it seems like so much time has passed because we can only marvel at how much has changed and how different the world is. In the case of the last five years, both feelings resonate with me.  

Tags: Leadership Viewpoints, Sustainability, Education, Global Competitiveness
By Constance Cullman
3. First Timers' Perspective of FII

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) welcomed three new employees in the past year: Taylor Lekin, Ivy Torres and Madison Wyman. This June, all three attended the Feed Industry Institute (FII) in Minneapolis, Minn., where they learned the ins and outs of animal nutrition, feed, pet food manufacturing and more. Below, they share their experiences attending their first ever FII.    

Tags: FII, Feed Industry Institute, Feed Education Program, Education
By AFIA Editor
4. Driving Sustainability in the Animal Food Industry: Insights from IPPE Education Programs

The recent International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta, Ga., served as a platform for industry leaders to come together and explore the intersection of sustainability and animal feed production. Two notable events, the Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit and the “Feed Your ESG” educational program, hosted by the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), spotlighted the strides in advancing sustainability within the feed and agriculture sectors. 

Tags: Sustainability, Education
By Taylor Lekin
5. Gaining Insights: A First-Timer's Perspective at IPPE

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) welcomed three new employees in the past six months: Taylor Lekin, Ivy Torres, and Madison Wyman. This past January, all three attended the International Production & Processing Expor in Atlanta, Ga., for the first time. Below, they share their experiences attending their first ever IPPE.  

Tags: IPPE, Vietnam, Education
By AFIA Editor
6. A Conversation with USPOULTRY's Nath Morris

Continuing my blog series on industry leaders, here’s another mover and shaker: Nath Morris. Recently, Nath was named president of the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association (USPOULTRY), after serving as USPOULTRY’s executive vice president of expo for nine years. I became acquainted with Nath through the American Feed Industry Association’s partnership with USPOULTRY on the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE), in which I have been having 7 a.m. calls every Friday for years with both Nath and our partners at the Meat Institute. Let’s just say, making 7 a.m. calls every week, we got to know each other very well! Below , you will find the highlights of our conversation.

Tags: Education
By Sarah Novak
7. A Heartfelt Thank You: Wrapping Up My Internship Journey with AFIA

As my internship journey with the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the incredible experiences and growth that this opportunity has provided. From day one, the AFIA team welcomed me with open arms, and the past few months have been nothing short of transformative. With gratitude in my heart, I'd like to extend a sincere thanks to everyone, especially Victoria and Raamezah, who have been a part of this enriching chapter of my life. 

Tags: Education
By Emily Alvarez
8. Animal Food Safety Requires Knowledgeable Coaching

College football fans know that a successful team requires a knowledgeable head coach. But how many assistant coaches do you think most college football teams have? And how does this compare to animal food safety?

Tags: Feed safety, Education
By Gary Huddleston
9. 5 Things I Learned at FII

It’s uncommon for a class to be offered on literally almost everything you need to know about an industry. That’s what makes the animal food industry and the Feed Industry Institute (FII) so unique. FII is a great educational forum that provides deep-dive lectures on the basics on animal nutrition and the process for manufacturing feed/pet food and getting it to market. Creating a list of most interesting things I learned during FII was very hard because there is just so much to choose from! Alas, out of the nearly 30 sessions on every facet of the industry, here are five interesting things I learned while participating in the last FII.

Tags: Feed Industry Institute, Education
By Lacie Dotterweich
10. A Love Letter to AFIA Events

One of my favorite parts of my job working at the American Feed Industry Association is getting to see members at our events. While I enjoy my day to day duties of keeping up with issues affecting animal food manufacturers and writing newsletters, blogs, social media posts, etc., it really hits home when I am able to meet and get to know the people I am helping. It also doesn't hurt that we have the NICEST and friendliest members!

Tags: Member value, Education
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 16