Feed Bites

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There are 34 item(s) tagged with the keyword "holidays".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 34

11. Happy Holidays From AFIA & IFEEDER!

Happy Holidays from the American Feed Industry Association and the Institute for Feed Education and Research! Please note that the AFIA's offices will be closed Dec. 23 - Jan. 1, 2021.

Tags: Holidays
By AFIA Editor
12. AFIA Thanks Our Members

We know it’s been a challenging year, which is why the American Feed Industry Association staff are more thankful for our members than ever. To show our gratitude, several staff members got together and created a fun video.

Tags: Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
13. Our Favorite Halloween-Themed Feed Facts

Halloween is one of our staff's all-time favorite holidays. We love everything about it – the candy, costumes, scary stories, haunted houses – you name it! Our communications team made some spooky #FeedFacts, which you are welcome to share on social media. Happy Halloween from the American Feed Industry Association!

Tags: Holidays, Pets, Ingredients, Animal nutrition
By AFIA Editor
14. Behind the Bacon: Making Sustainability a Focus in Pork Production

Animal agriculture is taking sustainability seriously and is making great strides in reducing its footprint and taking care of animals. To commemorate National Pork Month, or Porktober, as it’s affectionately known as, I would like to share how this important sector of the agricultural industry is committing itself to taking care of both animals and our planet.

Tags: Pigs, Environmental footprint, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
15. Feeding Equine Champions, AFIA Members Do it All!

In some parts of the country, the air is starting to turn crisp and has taken on a decidedly fall-like feel – not weather we normally associate with the Kentucky Derby. But in 2020, we have learned to accept the good things that come our way, no matter how strange the timing. For the trainers and owners of horses heading to the post at Churchill Downs this Saturday, Sept. 5, many things have changed over the last five months, but the training regimens and diets provided to the horses preparing for the Run for the Roses still include the carefully crafted routines and ingredients essential to the development of equine superstars.

Tags: Equine, Animal nutrition, Holidays
By Louise Calderwood
16. AFIA Members Are Safe + Sound At Work
Tags: Worker safety, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
17. From the Kitchen of AFIA: National Grilling Month

Is there any better cooking device than the grill? I don’t think I could be convinced otherwise. You can cook anything on the grill! Burgers, chicken, vegetables, fruit, beans – even pizza. As a grilled-meat lover, I can’t wait until the weather warms up enough to fire up the grill. So, when I learned that July is National Grilling Month, I thought we had better take the opportunity to commemorate the occasion and thank all of the feed manufacturers, farmers and ranchers who make summer dinners on the grill possible.

Tags: Holidays, Our role in ag
By Lacie Dotterweich
18. Taking Care of Pets on National Pet Day

As a mid-twenties young adult with no kids yet, it’s no surprise that I consider my two cats as my babies. I dote on them, buy them the newest, flashy laser toys and like you would with a (human) child, worry about what they are eating and if they are getting the right nutrients to meet their needs.

Tags: Pets, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
19. National Beer Day Provides Feed for Animals

As many of you know, I’m from Wisconsin, so you would think I know all about National Beer Day, but that is not the case. When I was assigned this blog, I had to do some research. So, let’s start with how National Beer Day started.

Tags: Ingredients, Co-products, Holidays, Animal nutrition
By Sarah Novak
20. So You Bought Your 3-Year-Old a Unicorn: What You Need to Know

Many people think they know all there is to know about unicorns. They’re magical, they have horns on their heads and they make rainbows. But did you know that just like any other animal or equine species, unicorns have specific needs for nutrition?

Tags: Equine, Holidays, Exotic animals, Animal nutrition
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 34