Feed Bites

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There are 34 item(s) tagged with the keyword "holidays".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 34

21. (Animal) Food Brings Everyone to the Table

The theme of this year’s National Agriculture Day, “Food brings everyone to the table,” hits home for the animal food industry. While the animal food industry may not be the most well understood in the overall agricultural industry, we play a unique and very important role in U.S. agriculture – making sure America’s livestock (and thus people) and pets are fed nutritious and safe food!

Tags: Our role in ag, Ensuring a stable food supply, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
22. 4 Fun Facts on Clover and Ag

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We all know that four-leaf clovers bring good luck, but what else do they bring? Check out these fun facts to find out how the feed and agriculture industries make use of this lucky plant! 

Tags: Ingredients, Holidays, Animal nutrition
By Lacie Dotterweich
23. Blue Jacket Lessons

Last week, I had the opportunity to join National FFA Organization members from across the country at FFA’s brand new NextGen Conference, which focused on animal system career pathways. The room was full of high school juniors and seniors who were eager to learn from industry representatives about potential careers as nutritionists, veterinarians, marketing managers and salespeople in the animal agriculture industry. I was there to talk about my career and the animal food industry, but I learned far more from the young people sitting in that room who will be responsible for solving some of agriculture’s greatest and most daunting challenges.

Tags: Our role in ag, Holidays
By John Stewart
24. Dog Biscuits, the Age Old Treat with a Modern Twist

A fond memory from my childhood is of my mother at the dining table in the morning, enjoying her cup of black coffee as she doled out five dog biscuits to our little button-eyed, poodle-cross dog, Jack. For meals, Jack gobbled up his canned dog food, but his breakfast time treats were dog biscuits. There must have been some balance in the diet my mother provided to her doting dog; he traveled with our family to two continents and across seven states, living a happy and bouncy 15 years.  Mom and Jack have both been gone for a long time, but in recognition of National Dog Biscuit Day, I looked into the history of dog biscuits and the role they play in a modern dog diet.

Tags: Pets, Holidays, Animal nutrition
By Louise Calderwood
25. AFIA Loves Our Pets (and Our Jobs)

Today is National Love Your Pet Day. What a great day - everyone loves their pets! And that certainly includes the staff at the American Feed Industry Association and the Institute for Feed Education and Research. AFIA staff and members have a unique tie to the pets we love – the work we do every day helps to feed them high-quality, safe and nutritious food! Hear from some AFIA staff members below on not only why they love their pets, but the work they do at AFIA and IFEEDER as well.

Tags: Pets, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
26. It's National Milk Day! Raise a Glass to Dairy's Bright Future

Among the special days of the holiday season, National Milk Day (January 11, if you haven’t already marked your calendar) may not get the attention Christmas gifts and New Year’s kisses may attract. But the day, believed to be the anniversary of the first delivery of milk in bottles in the U.S. in 1878, is a good occasion to look at where milk stands with consumers and where it’s heading next.

Tags: Dairy, Holidays, Guest perspective
By Guest
27. Reflecting on the Top 5 Blog Posts of 2019

It’s hard to believe that it has already been four months since we launched the AFIA Feed Bites blog! We are so proud to bring our readers a different perspective to issues impacting the animal food industry, correct misinformation, discuss the latest trends, share stories about our industry and have a little fun explaining what animal feed and pet food production is all about.

Tags: Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
28. Happy Holidays from AFIA and IFEEDER!

Happy Holidays from the American Feed Industry Association and the Institute for Feed Education and Research! Please note that AFIA's offices will be closed Dec. 23-Jan. 1. 

Tags: Holidays, IFEEDER
By AFIA Editor
29. Good Gravy! Giving Tuesday and Your Turkey

‘Tis the season of giving.

Now that you’ve had a few days to recover from the splendors of food and family, it’s important to take a second and reflect on what you’re thankful for and how you can affect positive change not only within your community, but across the globe as well.

Tags: IFEEDER, Holidays, Member value, Turkey
By Lacey Bowersox
30. What Do Turkeys Gobble Down?

Before we sit down to give thanks and fill our plates, let’s take a look at the dinner table. We all know what we like to eat for Thanksgiving (turkey of course!), but what are the turkeys eating? The feed industry plays a very important role in ensuring turkeys (and down the line, you!) are fed safe and nutritious food.

Tags: Turkey, Ingredients, Holidays, Animal nutrition
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 34