Feed Bites

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There are 26 item(s) tagged with the keyword "pets".

Displaying: 21 - 26 of 26

21. Pet Food Industry Has Multiplier Effect on Rural Economies

“It’s really exciting to be able to say that the pet food industry really goes all the way back to the farm and then all the way back into those rural communities, supporting those retailers that support the farmer.”

Tags: Pets, IFEEDER, Our role in ag, Podcast
By Victoria Broehm
22. Taking Care of Pets on National Pet Day

As a mid-twenties young adult with no kids yet, it’s no surprise that I consider my two cats as my babies. I dote on them, buy them the newest, flashy laser toys and like you would with a (human) child, worry about what they are eating and if they are getting the right nutrients to meet their needs.

Tags: Pets, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
23. Farm to Bowl: IFEEDER Shares Findings from New Pet Food Report

My black, shorthaired miniature dachshund, Stella, is a member of my family. Like any other family member, I want the very best for her – from exercise to great toys to treats and food. I was very excited when the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER), along with the Pet Food Institute (PFI) and North American Renderers Association (NARA), embarked on a study to look at what ingredients are used in pet food and the pet food industry’s impact on the U.S. agricultural economy.

Tags: Pets, IFEEDER, Our role in ag
By Rob Cooper
24. Dog Biscuits, the Age Old Treat with a Modern Twist

A fond memory from my childhood is of my mother at the dining table in the morning, enjoying her cup of black coffee as she doled out five dog biscuits to our little button-eyed, poodle-cross dog, Jack. For meals, Jack gobbled up his canned dog food, but his breakfast time treats were dog biscuits. There must have been some balance in the diet my mother provided to her doting dog; he traveled with our family to two continents and across seven states, living a happy and bouncy 15 years.  Mom and Jack have both been gone for a long time, but in recognition of National Dog Biscuit Day, I looked into the history of dog biscuits and the role they play in a modern dog diet.

Tags: Pets, Holidays, Animal nutrition
By Louise Calderwood
25. AFIA Loves Our Pets (and Our Jobs)

Today is National Love Your Pet Day. What a great day - everyone loves their pets! And that certainly includes the staff at the American Feed Industry Association and the Institute for Feed Education and Research. AFIA staff and members have a unique tie to the pets we love – the work we do every day helps to feed them high-quality, safe and nutritious food! Hear from some AFIA staff members below on not only why they love their pets, but the work they do at AFIA and IFEEDER as well.

Tags: Pets, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
26. What's in Fido's Food Bowl and How Does It Get There?

Formulating diets for livestock and pets is no easy feat. What many people don’t know is that the making of animal food is a very scientific and specialized process. I had the opportunity to speak with Kate Jackson, Ph.D., and Trevor Faber, Ph.D., of Trouw Nutrition, on what goes into animal food and why.

Tags: Pets, Ingredients, Animal nutrition, Guest perspective
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 21 - 26 of 26