Feed Bites

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There are 14 item(s) tagged with the keyword "china".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 14

1. Trade Missions – What Are They and How Can They Support the Export of Animal Food?

Over the last few years, the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) has significantly expanded its support for members in international areas. Our efforts have now broadened to include developing stronger relationships with foreign and international feed associations as well as with foreign governments. In addition, we are providing education to international buyers, end-users, importers and regulators about the quality and diversity of U.S. animal feed, thereby enhancing market access for our industry. 

Tags: Vietnam, Global Competitiveness, China, Brazil, International Trade, Trade, Morocco
By Ivy Torres
2. Industry Growth Relies on Untapped Markets

“If we don’t find overseas markets for our products, many farmers, many producers, go out of business.”

That was the message Daniel Whitley, administrator of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service, told the American Feed Industry Association’s Board leadership at a recent meeting. Our global policy team would strongly agree - the future of American agriculture, and the U.S. animal food industry, will be contingent on demand from beyond U.S. borders.

Tags: Trade, Federal agencies, Brazil, Russia, China, Vietnam
By Lacie Dotterweich
3. My 12 Year Obsession with China Was Worth It!

Not many know what happens behind the scenes here at the American Feed Industry Association. This well-oiled machine may look easy-breezy-lemon-squeezy (as my Pilates instructor says) from the outside, but behind our closed doors, you’ll find dual, sometimes triple, computer monitors; multiple Excel spreadsheets open with trade data and colorful graphs; dozens of browser pages open with research; partially drafted Word documents; scribbled post-it notes; and LOTS and LOTS of caffeine. Well, I can’t speak for the rest of the AFIA, but that’s what it looks like at my desk, and I can tell you, it is all worth it when we score a win for our members and industry.

Tags: Trade, China
By Gina Tumbarello
4. A Battle on Mount Olympus is Brewing Over Packaging and Packaging Waste

Imagine that all the different countries in the world are Greek gods and goddesses. As Americans, we would likely think ourselves as the almighty Zeus and maybe we would say our brethren the European Union (EU) would be Poseidon, brother of Zeus and god of the sea. Even though Zeus is all powerful, Poseidon is no slouch; he bestowed many gifts, seduced many nymphs and sent many sea monsters to ravage those who betrayed him. All the gods and goddesses meet on Mount Olympus and here is where we make our analogy stretch to the United Nations (UN).

Tags: Trade, China
By Mallory Gaines
5. US Feed Additives Making Headway in Chinese Markets

As we previously reported, the American Feed Industry Association has been working to promote U.S. feed additives in the Chinese market. Over the past few months, with the use of funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Market Access Program (MAP), the AFIA has been working with a communications/media firm in China to distribute informational articles on ag-media websites and social media platforms.

Tags: Trade, China, Ingredients
By Lacie Dotterweich
6. We Are Officially Promoting US Feed Products in China!

Using funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program, the American Feed Industry Association’s international trade team works diligently to educate foreign buyers on the value of using American-made feed, feed ingredient and pet food products. One of the team’s biggest areas of focus is on China.

Tags: Trade, China
By Guest
7. China Far Behind on Phase One Trade Agreement Commitments

Feb. 14 marks the two-year anniversary of the U.S.-China phase one trade agreement. One of the provisions from the agreement committed China to purchasing more U.S. products by the end of 2021. Specifically, China was to increase its imports of U.S. products by at least $200 billion from 2017 numbers between Jan. 1, 2020, and Dec. 31, 2021. This week, the U.S. Department of Commerce released new data that shows China is $17.8 billion below its commitment, $14.4 billion of which is on agricultural products.

Tags: Trade, China
By Gina Tumbarello
8. We Must Counter China's Trade Influence by Joining CPTPP

On Sept. 16, China formally applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), formerly the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), from which the Trump administration withdrew the United States in 2017.  

Tags: Trade, China
By Mallory Gaines
9. Experts Speak: Where Are Market Opportunities for U.S. Feed Products?

At the recent American Feed Industry Association Purchasing and Ingredient Suppliers Conference (PISC), we heard several speakers share their views on what the future holds for feed and pet food products at home and abroad.

Tags: Trade, China, Pigs, PISC
By Lacie Dotterweich & Victoria Broehm
10. We Thrive on Overcoming Trade Barriers & Creating Market Access

There is a host of internationally focused work the American Feed Industry Association does on behalf of the U.S. animal food industry, but do you know what really drives us? We thrive on overcoming barriers and finding solutions to market access constraints. Sharing your story with anyone who will (and sometimes won’t) hear is what we do!

Tags: Trade, China, Federal agencies, Policy priority series, Vietnam, Brazil
By Gina Tumbarello

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 14