Feed Bites

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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "exotic animals".

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2

1. A Feast Fit for a [Tiger] King

If you haven’t seen the hit Netflix documentary “Tiger King,” chances are you have heard about it or seen the memes that are taking the internet by storm. (If you have time, I’d highly recommend you watch it as there is truly nothing quite like it!) One of the show’s main characters, Joe Exotic, feeds various dead prey (aka “roadkill”) and expired meat from Walmart to the tigers in his roadside zoo, and they are shown to be pretty skinny. While watching this, I couldn’t help but wonder: what would our members who make feed for exotic animals in zoos have to say about how the tigers in the series are fed? 

Tags: Exotic animals, Animal nutrition
By Lacie Dotterweich
2. So You Bought Your 3-Year-Old a Unicorn: What You Need to Know

Many people think they know all there is to know about unicorns. They’re magical, they have horns on their heads and they make rainbows. But did you know that just like any other animal or equine species, unicorns have specific needs for nutrition?

Tags: Equine, Holidays, Exotic animals, Animal nutrition
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2