Feed Bites

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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "feed industry institute".

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1. First Timers' Perspective of FII

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) welcomed three new employees in the past year: Taylor Lekin, Ivy Torres and Madison Wyman. This June, all three attended the Feed Industry Institute (FII) in Minneapolis, Minn., where they learned the ins and outs of animal nutrition, feed, pet food manufacturing and more. Below, they share their experiences attending their first ever FII.    

Tags: FII, Feed Industry Institute, Feed Education Program, Education
By AFIA Editor
2. 5 Things I Learned at FII

It’s uncommon for a class to be offered on literally almost everything you need to know about an industry. That’s what makes the animal food industry and the Feed Industry Institute (FII) so unique. FII is a great educational forum that provides deep-dive lectures on the basics on animal nutrition and the process for manufacturing feed/pet food and getting it to market. Creating a list of most interesting things I learned during FII was very hard because there is just so much to choose from! Alas, out of the nearly 30 sessions on every facet of the industry, here are five interesting things I learned while participating in the last FII.

Tags: Feed Industry Institute, Education
By Lacie Dotterweich

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