Feed Bites

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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "global market access".

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

1. AFIA Unlocks New Opportunities for US Feed Exports in Inaugural Sellers' Mission to Brazil

In early August, the American Feed Industry Association embarked on an exciting new journey—our very first sellers' mission to Brazil! AFIA’s Gina Tumbarello, Mallory Gaines and I have been sharing updates on various global projects the association has undertaken over the past few years to build markets for U.S. animal food exports, ranging from market assessments and scoping missions to educational webinars and in-country workshops. Now, we have added a sellers' mission to the mix!  

Tags: Brazil, SIAVS, Global Market Access, Global Competitiveness, Trade
By Ivy Torres
2. Navigating the Vietnamese Feed Additives Market: Insights and Future Prospects

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) has maintained a strong presence in Vietnam despite the ever-changing global markets, intense competition and general uncertainty. By staying informed and open to new opportunities, the AFIA provides Vietnamese feed companies with valuable insights into U.S. feed additives. Through meetings with stakeholders in Vietnam, our global policy team has gathered crucial data, shedding light on the industry’s efforts to compete in Vietnam’s feed additive sector. 

Tags: Vietnam, Trade, Global Competitiveness, Global Market Access
By Madison Wyman
3. AFIA Policy Priorities: Driving Innovation, Sustainability and Global Competitiveness in the Animal Food Industry

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) is committed to advancing the animal feed industry through strategic policy priorities that enhance business operations, promote sustainability, ensure safety and bolster global competitiveness. These policy priorities are developed with input from our membership and Board leadership. 

Tags: Global Market Access, Multilateral Affairs, Feed safety, Ingredients, Sustainability
By Leah Wilkinson

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3