Feed Bites

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There are 33 item(s) tagged with the keyword "guest perspective".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 33

1. It Is Our Responsibility to Seek and Develop Leaders

I am honored and humbled to begin my tenure as chair of the American Feed Industry Association’s Board of Directors. I have learned a great deal from the past chairs I have been fortunate to work with and want to specifically recognize and thank Mike Gauss, Kent Nutrition Group, for his leadership over the past year and counsel in the coming one!

Tags: Guest perspective, Member value
By Guest
2. Doing the Right Thing Isn't Always Easy

It is with a heavy heart that I end my time as chair of the AFIA Board. This trepidation is not due to any doubts about the new leadership, but simply, because I will deeply miss working with the exceptional individuals who make up this organization. I have full confidence in the abilities of Carlos Gonzalez and Leigh Ann Sayen, who will undoubtedly provide outstanding leadership. Furthermore, I am pleased to note that the association is blessed with a highly talented staff, occupying key positions, ensuring that our industry and members will be well represented for years to come.

Tags: Guest perspective
By Guest
3. Collaboration Is Key to Meeting the Need for Feed

Over the past year, I’ve been lucky to collaborate with many American Feed Industry Association and Institute for Feed Education and Research staff and members, forging the first-ever partnership between our organizations. The goal was to elevate a vision that feed and animal nutrition can be a critical lever in providing sustainable solutions to food systems.

Tags: Guest perspective, Environmental footprint, IFEEDER
By Guest
4. The Latest in Preventing Accidents with Effective Warnings

Safety has advanced in recent years. Yet, further action must be taken for people to enjoy a workplace as free as possible from hazards. According to data from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2.6 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses, and 5,190 fatal work injuries, occurred in the United States in 2021 – an 8% increase from the prior year.

Tags: Worker safety, Guest perspective
By Guest
5. Communicating Feed's Impact Via the Protein PACT

The Protein PACT for the People, Animals & Climate of Tomorrow unites partners including the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) across the animal agriculture supply chain in the largest-ever effort to strengthen animal protein’s contributions to the people, animals and climate of tomorrow. Following the Protein PACT’s launch in July 2021, the North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) and our partners have been hard at work to set measurable baselines, verify progress toward ambitious achievements and communicate transparently about how nutrient-dense animal-sourced foods contribute to sustainable food security solutions.

Tags: Guest perspective, IFEEDER, Environmental footprint
By Guest
6. Member Perspective: How to Get More out of Your Membership through AFIA Committees

When I joined Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production five years ago, I had no agricultural background and was hired for my microbiology and regulatory experience. I remember one of my first days on the job, learning that farmers use manure to fertilize their crops, feed those crops back to the cows, and then the cows complete the circle. I thought WOW, what a concept! I still look back at those days and laugh, but also remind myself how much I have learned.

Tags: Guest perspective, Member value
By Guest
7. Get To Know Alliance President, Hannah Thompson-Weeman!

Having been personally involved with the Animal Agriculture Alliance for many years, I got to know Hannah Thompson-Weeman well and know she is one of the greatest champions for animal agriculture out there. She was appointed as president and CEO last year and I recently had the opportunity to learn more about her and her exciting plans to lead the organization into the future. 

Tags: Guest perspective
By Sarah Novak
8. A Reflective Conversation With Bill Barr

Talking with leaders in the animal food industry has always been one of the things I love about my job. Recently, I had the opportunity to talk with Bill Barr, president of Bill Barr & Company. He is also a past chair of American Feed Industry Association (2011-12), served on the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) Board of Trustees, and won AFIA’s Distinguished Service Award in 2019. He has also been very involved in the industry through many other organizations and a strong supporter of Kansas State University.

Tags: Guest perspective
By Sarah Novak
9. Building Relationships With Local Legislators Benefits Your Company and the Industry

One of the main priorities of the American Feed Industry Association is to represent our industry on legislative and regulatory issues. The AFIA staff consistently communicates with legislators to provide them valuable data that assists in determining policy positions and regulations. These efforts are critical in driving the positive changes required in our common goal of producing safe, nutritious and high-quality animal food.    

Tags: Advocacy, Guest perspective
By Guest
10. Uniting Feed and Animal Protein Production Through the Protein PACT

Consumers today want to see that our food choices have a positive impact on our health, communities and the environment around us. We at the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) believe that eating meat is not only compatible with that goal, it is integral to achieving it - we cannot achieve the sustainable, healthy future people need without meat.

Tags: Environmental footprint, IFEEDER, Guest perspective
By Guest

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 33