Feed Bites

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There are 34 item(s) tagged with the keyword "holidays".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 34

1. End of Dairy Month: Champions Behind Food Waste Management

When it comes to managing pre-consumer food waste, dairy cows are a huge part of the solution because, to them, these byproducts are a luxury. “These animals have specifically evolved to digest fiber and extract nutrition. The byproducts, for example—it’s good stuff for them; it has nutritive value,” said Juan Tricarico, Ph.D., senior vice president of environmental research and distinguished scientist at Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI), in a TIME article.

Tags: Dairy, Holidays, Environmental footprint
By Guest
2. Your Favorite Blogs of 2022

Another year of discussing topics affecting the U.S. animal food industry has passed. As the end of the year is always a time of reflection, we looked at the top blog articles that readers loved the most (so we can continue to bring you content you love!).

Tags: Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
3. Happy Holidays from AFIA and IFEEDER!

The AFIA's offices will be closed Dec. 26, 2022, through Jan. 2, 2023. For urgent requests, please leave a message on the main line at (703) 524-0810 and someone will get back to you within 24 hours. Happy Holidays!

Tags: Holidays
By AFIA Editor
4. Turkey Facts Just in Time for Dinner

Impress your friends and family this Thanksgiving with some fun facts about turkeys and turkey feed!

Tags: Holidays, Turkey
By Lacie Dotterweich
5. Good Animal Nutrition = Good for Animals, Good for the Planet

Every year, the agricultural community comes together on National Ag Day to celebrate those who work tirelessly to keep our food supply stable and Americans fed. As a sponsor of this event, the American Feed Industry Association works to educate consumers about how the feed industry is working with farmers and ranchers to improve nutrition for their herds and flocks and reduce animal agriculture’s environmental footprint.

Tags: Environmental footprint, Holidays, Our role in ag
By Victoria Broehm
6. 5 Reasons to Celebrate Milk Today

On our last grocery trip, my fiancé and I brought home two half gallons of ice cream, seven bags of shredded cheese, one gallon of milk, three packages of cream cheese, a quart of heavy cream and an extra-large package of string cheese. I think it’s safe to say that we love milk and dairy products and celebrate milk all the time!

Tags: Dairy, Holidays, Environmental footprint
By Lacie Dotterweich
7. Your Favorite Blog Posts of 2021

While 2021 presented many challenges, another year of discussing hot topics that affect each and every one of our readers on the AFIA Feed Bites blog is definitely something to remember and celebrate. In this time, we shared how the animal food industry is advancing climate change solutions, honored industry trailblazers, offered opportunities for greater market access, learned how a new administration can shake things up, and much, much more!

Tags: Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
8. Happy Holidays from AFIA & IFEEDER!
Tags: Holidays
By AFIA Editor
9. Thankful for Animal Ag

Thanksgiving is much more than turkey, football games and naps on the couch (anyone else?) – it’s right in the name, giving thanks. As you sit around the dinner table, take a hard look at your plate. For your Thanksgiving turkey to make it to the table, farmers grew the corn and soybeans used in turkey feed, equipment manufacturers produced the machines used to process the ingredients, feed manufacturers mixed and made safe and nutritious feed, farmers raised and cared for the birds, and then meat processors prepped and readied them for the grocery store. 

Tags: Supporting local communities, Turkey, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
10. Your Favorite Blog Posts of 2020

For the most part, 2020 is not a year most people will look back on favorably (I know I won't). It turned the world upside down and brought all of our everyday lives to a screeching halt. However, one thing that I will look back on with fond thoughts is that our AFIA Feed Bites blog turned one year old. 

Tags: Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 34