Feed Bites

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There are 2 item(s) tagged with the keyword "leadership viewpoints".

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2

1. Reflecting on Five Years of Transformation at the American Feed Industry Association

We often look at the calendar and lament, “Where has the time gone?” At other times, it seems like so much time has passed because we can only marvel at how much has changed and how different the world is. In the case of the last five years, both feelings resonate with me.  

Tags: Leadership Viewpoints, Sustainability, Education, Global Competitiveness
By Constance Cullman
2. A New Chapter Begins: Leading AFIA into the Future

As I begin my tenure as Board chair of the American Feed Industry Association, I find myself filled with a mixture of excitement, anticipation and a healthy dose of humility. I am thankful to be following Carlos Gonzales, Ph.D., of Hills Pet Nutrition. Carlos has set an excellent leadership example, and he has been very considerate in sharing key AFIA insights to prepare me for the challenges in the upcoming year.ouy

Tags: BOD, Board of Directors, Leadership Viewpoints
By Guest

Displaying: 1 - 2 of 2