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There are 21 item(s) tagged with the keyword "our role in ag".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 21

1. Our Industry is Rising

Some of the best advice I received as a young professional was to hone my skills to make the “elevator pitch” – you know, being able to introduce yourself and share a key point or two all in a short enough time that you could do so on a quick elevator ride with someone. That skill has helped me represent our members in the American Feed Industry Association’s public policy efforts and to convey to my friends and neighbors what I really do and who I represent for a living. Many of you, our members, also have standard elevator speeches and today, the AFIA released new data that you can use to update and refresh your pitches. So, let’s look at a few facts about the animal food industry that you can incorporate into your new routine.

Tags: Our role in ag
By Leah Wilkinson
2. Good Animal Nutrition = Good for Animals, Good for the Planet

Every year, the agricultural community comes together on National Ag Day to celebrate those who work tirelessly to keep our food supply stable and Americans fed. As a sponsor of this event, the American Feed Industry Association works to educate consumers about how the feed industry is working with farmers and ranchers to improve nutrition for their herds and flocks and reduce animal agriculture’s environmental footprint.

Tags: Environmental footprint, Holidays, Our role in ag
By Victoria Broehm
3. Can Consumer Perspectives Impact Sustainability Actions?

The short answer to my question is: yes! In “Part 1 – Defining Sustainability” of the Institute for Feed Education and Research’s (IFEEDER) webinar series, Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, Ph.D., director of AgNext at Colorado State University, shared an important idea for agricultural sustainability efforts, which is that sustainability is driven by both science and emotion. The recent Journal of Dairy Science article “Sustainability: Different Perspectives, Inherent Conflict” offers insights on consumer perspectives that further confound sustainability discussions.

Tags: IFEEDER, Environmental footprint, Our role in ag, Dairy
By Lara Moody
4. The Future of Ag: How Disrupters Can Help Us Think Outside the Box

You see it all the time – claims that meat consumption is drastically dropping in favor of alternatives – but one expert said, it’s just not true.

Tags: Economics, Our role in ag
By Lacie Dotterweich & Victoria Broehm
5. Sensation Doesn't Equal Truth – Another Example Arrives

“Air pollution from farms leads to 17,900 deaths per year, study finds.” It’s a catchy newspaper title reminiscent of a study from 2019 noting, “Corn pollution kills thousands of Americans a year, study finds.” These headlines surely grab your attention, but they don’t necessarily advance your understanding of the industry. Studies of this nature require models, models require a lot of assumptions, and model output and findings are only as good as the input.

Tags: IFEEDER, Environmental footprint, Our role in ag
By Lara Moody
6. Speaking Up for Animal Ag at the Alliance's Dialogue

Last week, the Animal Agriculture Alliance brought together over 100 individuals representing a cross section of the U.S. food and agriculture industry to openly discuss the diverse challenges that are preventing affordable, animal-sourced foods from reaching those who need it most. What participants said was astounding – that many of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as ending global hunger or reducing our environmental impact, are within reach with the game-changing, sustainable solutions already in the pipeline. 

Tags: Environmental footprint, Our role in ag
By Victoria Broehm
7. No Tall Tales Here – Animal Food is Essential

Good research should tell a story. At the Institute for Feed Education and Research, we have a new story to tell. Our newly released Animal Feed Consumption and COVID-19 Impact Analysis tells the story of a vibrant animal food manufacturing industry that allows domestic livestock and pets to consume nearly 284 million tons of safe, high quality and nutritious food annually. It also tells a story of the dedication of over 944,000 people who make the industry tick.

Tags: IFEEDER, Ingredients, Our role in ag
By Rob Cooper
8. We Must Engage...or Let Others Set Our Agenda

The United Nations is known for holding large meetings and frequently, we don’t feel the impact of what they do – but its latest Food Systems Summit is not one of those times.

Tags: Trade, Our role in ag, Environmental footprint, Member value
By Constance Cullman
9. Resolve to Embolden Future Ag Leaders in 2021

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”

Elizabeth Hernandez, of Corteva Agriscience, posed this question to a global audience of mostly women at the recent Women in Food and Agriculture Digital Festival. She shared a captivating story of how a sign bearing this question at Facebook, where she previously worked, changed the way she thought about risk in the workplace. Others believed in her more than she did herself, which pushed her to take chances, some of which failed, but ultimately, propelled her to become a leader in the field.

Tags: Our role in ag
By Victoria Broehm
10. 2020 – A Reason to Celebrate

2020 was a year that I have been looking forward to for so many years. My entire family was. 2020 is the year my family’s farm in Fairmont, Minn., turned 100 years old. A century farm! That’s a pretty big deal and a reason to celebrate…until we couldn’t celebrate.

Tags: Our role in ag
By Leah Wilkinson

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 21