Feed Bites

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There are 16 item(s) tagged with the keyword "sustainability".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 16

1. Sustainability: Attracting and Retaining Employees through Sustainability & Social Good

In today’s business landscape, sustainability is not just about environmental stewardship; it’s also a key factor in attracting and retaining top talent. Employees, particularly younger generations, are increasingly seeking out companies that align with their values, especially in areas of social good. Given I recently joined the workforce, I was curious: what are some of the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) members doing in the space of social good?

Tags: Sustainability, Social Good, Retention
By Madison Wyman
2. Understanding Insets and Offsets in Carbon Markets

As someone working at a trade association, I often hear the question, 'What does the future hold for our industry?' Recently, much of this curiosity centers around sustainability. With the efforts the American Feed Industry Association and its members are putting into feed ingredient innovation and accurate product claims, I am hopeful that, one day, U.S. farmers and ranchers will be able to use these advancements to reduce their carbon impact AND benefit from a carbon market. 

Tags: Carbon Insets, Carbon Offsets, Sustainability
By Sarah Novak
3. Shaping the Future: AFIA's Commitment to Leadership and Innovation in Feed and Pet Food Manufacturing

What if you could foresee challenges and prepare for them? At the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), we are doing just that—anticipating opportunities for the feed and pet food industry and adapting swiftly to overcome obstacles to doing business in today’s global marketplace. 

Tags: Promises Report, Impact, Feed Safety, Sustainability, Growth, International Trade
By AFIA Editor
4. Harnessing the Power of Sugar Beet Coproducts for Livestock Nutrition

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with American Feed Industry Association member Bryan Edwardson, president of Midwest Agri Commodities, on the nutritional benefits of using sugar beet coproducts in livestock feed. Midwest Agri, the sole owner of the Unbeetable Feeds brand, is leveraging beet pulp and other coproducts to provide high-fiber, low-protein feed options, selling 1.7 million tons of coproducts per year. 

Tags: Sustainability, Beets
By Madison Wyman
5. Reflecting on Five Years of Transformation at the American Feed Industry Association

We often look at the calendar and lament, “Where has the time gone?” At other times, it seems like so much time has passed because we can only marvel at how much has changed and how different the world is. In the case of the last five years, both feelings resonate with me.  

Tags: Leadership Viewpoints, Sustainability, Education, Global Competitiveness
By Constance Cullman
6. The Silver Lining of Flight Cancellations

Summertime is always when I tell myself I am going to catch up on reading (work-related and personal) and a couple of weeks ago, my flights were cancelled. I could not do the work travel as planned, which left a lot of open time on my calendar. Put these two together and I spent a bit of time reading an article from earlier this year in the Journal of Dairy Science, “Fifty Years of Environmental Progress for United States Dairy Farms.”  

Tags: Sustainability, sustainable practices, Dairy
By Sarah Novak
7. AFIA Policy Priorities: Driving Innovation, Sustainability and Global Competitiveness in the Animal Food Industry

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) is committed to advancing the animal feed industry through strategic policy priorities that enhance business operations, promote sustainability, ensure safety and bolster global competitiveness. These policy priorities are developed with input from our membership and Board leadership. 

Tags: Global Market Access, Multilateral Affairs, Feed safety, Ingredients, Sustainability
By Leah Wilkinson
8. U.S. Agriculture: A Legacy of Sustainability and Growth

The American Feed Industry Association recently joined the U.S. Sustainability Alliance (USSA), which is a group of associations across the farming, fisheries and forestry industries. USSA was founded in 2013 and advocates for sustainable U.S. food and agricultural production, while supporting producers through global promotion of sustainable products and sharing of knowledge for optimal use of natural resources.

Tags: Sustainability, Growth, USSA, Policy, Water, Climate Commitment, Feed Industry
By Sarah Novak
9. Empowering Sustainability: Industry Actions to Revolutionize Feed Packaging

Feed bags play a pivotal role in keeping animal feed fresh during storage and transportation. Most often, bulk bags made for the purposes of feed are typically manufactured with woven polypropylene, which has been proven to be extremely difficult to recycle. While individuals have found other personal use for the bags, there is no large-scale effort to recycle these bags across the industry, but that could soon change. 

Tags: Feed Bags, Feed Bag Recycling, Recycling, Sustainability
By Madison Wyman
10. Driving Sustainability in the Animal Food Industry: Insights from IPPE Education Programs

The recent International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta, Ga., served as a platform for industry leaders to come together and explore the intersection of sustainability and animal feed production. Two notable events, the Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit and the “Feed Your ESG” educational program, hosted by the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), spotlighted the strides in advancing sustainability within the feed and agriculture sectors. 

Tags: Sustainability, Education
By Taylor Lekin

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 16