Feed Bites

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There are 5 item(s) tagged with the keyword "turkey".

Displaying: 1 - 5 of 5

1. Turkey Facts Just in Time for Dinner

Impress your friends and family this Thanksgiving with some fun facts about turkeys and turkey feed!

Tags: Holidays, Turkey
By Lacie Dotterweich
2. Thankful for Animal Ag

Thanksgiving is much more than turkey, football games and naps on the couch (anyone else?) – it’s right in the name, giving thanks. As you sit around the dinner table, take a hard look at your plate. For your Thanksgiving turkey to make it to the table, farmers grew the corn and soybeans used in turkey feed, equipment manufacturers produced the machines used to process the ingredients, feed manufacturers mixed and made safe and nutritious feed, farmers raised and cared for the birds, and then meat processors prepped and readied them for the grocery store. 

Tags: Supporting local communities, Turkey, Holidays
By Lacie Dotterweich
3. Feed Education Spans the Globe

Did you know that animal food industry professionals from every continent except Antarctica have attended an American Feed Industry Association event or educational program?  

Tags: Online learning, Brazil, Ireland, Malaysia, Turkey, Pakistan
By Erica Burson
4. Good Gravy! Giving Tuesday and Your Turkey

‘Tis the season of giving.

Now that you’ve had a few days to recover from the splendors of food and family, it’s important to take a second and reflect on what you’re thankful for and how you can affect positive change not only within your community, but across the globe as well.

Tags: IFEEDER, Holidays, Member value, Turkey
By Lacey Bowersox
5. What Do Turkeys Gobble Down?

Before we sit down to give thanks and fill our plates, let’s take a look at the dinner table. We all know what we like to eat for Thanksgiving (turkey of course!), but what are the turkeys eating? The feed industry plays a very important role in ensuring turkeys (and down the line, you!) are fed safe and nutritious food.

Tags: Turkey, Ingredients, Holidays, Animal nutrition
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 1 - 5 of 5