Feed Bites

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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "ag & food research".

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

1. Preparing for the Next Animal Disease Outbreak – Feed Mill Hygiene and Decontamination

Since the outbreak of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in 2013, the feed and livestock industries have worked to gain a better understanding of pathogen transmission through feed and the supply chain. Multiple studies have documented the distribution of viral pathogens in mills after contamination, the stability of viruses in feed and ingredient matrices, and virus reduction using chemical mitigants or extended holding times.

Tags: pathogen control, ag & food research, Biosecurity, feed & food safety, African swine fever, formaldehyde
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2. Polls Reveal New Pragmatism Around Ag Biotech

This year’s United Nations Climate Conference turned the spotlight on food and agriculture, with a full day devoted to recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farming and shielding agriculture from the worst impacts of climate change. The focus on food and agriculture in the context of climate must include a look at the many ways in which biotechnology is delivering solutions, from animal feed engineered to reduce methane emissions from livestock, to crops that are bioengineered to withstand growing pressures from disease and drought.

Tags: ag & food research
By Guest
3. Feed and Feed Ingredients Are Not the "Big Stool Leg" Spreading Viruses to Pig Farms!

Who has not experienced an upset digestive system after eating or drinking something questionable? We all recognize that if food or water becomes contaminated with a pathogen, we can get sick after consuming it. It is the same for livestock. If the feed we deliver to the pig barn is contaminated with a virus, pigs could get sick after eating it.

Tags: African swine fever response, ag & food research, biosecurity, feed & food safety
By Guest

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3