Feed Bites

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There are 6 item(s) tagged with the keyword "beef".

Displaying: 1 - 6 of 6

1. Chinese Demand for Meat and Milk = New Export Opportunities

From the moment I started at the American Feed Industry Association, I have been consumed with all things China--the restrictions, barriers, questions, unknowns, complexities and just plain confusion of trying to get U.S. animal food products into that market.  

Tags: Trade, African swine fever, Beef, Dairy, China
By Gina Tumbarello
2. We Love the Steak, But What About the Other Parts?

Recently, we read an article about an organization in the United Kingdom that launched a program, “Organuary,” to promote consumer awareness and the human consumption of organ meats, citing their nutritional and environmental benefits. It’s an interesting concept.

Tags: Beef, Co-products, Environmental footprint
By Paul Davis, Ph.D., Sarah Novak
3. Another Attack on Animal Ag, But What's Different This Time?

I am sure you saw the headlines a few weeks ago about Burger King’s new advertising campaign and how the fast food retailer plans to reduce greenhouse gases by including lemongrass in cattle diets. Well, surprise, surprise! Their description of cows emitting gas (aka farts) is just plain wrong and the research they used on the feed ingredient is inconclusive.

Tags: Environmental footprint, Beef, Ingredients, Federal agencies
By Sarah Novak
4. Springing Into Action: Why Many Baby Animals Are Born in the Spring

Ever since I was a young child, I have looked forward to spring. Not just for the warm weather and the end of the school year, but because that meant my local Theisen’s farm supply store (it’s an Iowa thing) would have cute baby chicks. All year long, my family would drive past the Theisen’s and I would ask to go in and see the chicks. Most of the time, my request was answered with, “They aren’t there right now, it’s not spring.” So, I would agonizingly wait for spring.

Tags: Chicken, Beef, Sheep, Animal nutrition
By Lacie Dotterweich
5. Spring Calving Season: A Demanding Time for Man and Beast

For the U.S. beef industry, Valentine’s Day marks heavy activity with regard to spring calving season.  Somewhat following nature’s season for birth of prey animals (think deer, elk and wild sheep), cattle producers often manage their cow herds so that calves are born about 70 days prior to some of the best grazing conditions of the year. A cow’s milk production usually peaks about that same time. During peak milk production, her nutritional demands are also greatest. Thus, spring calving season often affords the most abundant nutritional resources at a time when the cow’s nutritional needs are highest for many parts of our great nation. 

Tags: Beef, Animal nutrition
By Paul Davis, Ph.D.
6. To Learn about Liquid Feed, You Have to Start with What It's Not

My youngest son once told the sponsor at a meeting I was speaking at that he shouldn’t let me start talking about cows, because I’d never shut up. Surely that’s a bit of an overstatement! But I do have to admit - I can get pretty passionate about the science and application of ruminant nutrition. When I have a strong message that can benefit both cattle and the people involved in raising them, I love communicating it. 

Tags: Beef, Animal nutrition, Guest perspective
By Guest

Displaying: 1 - 6 of 6