Feed Bites

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There are 55 item(s) tagged with the keyword "member value".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 55

21. Plane Hopping for AFIA

During my frequent business travels in 2019 I developed a rating system for airport bathrooms that ranked stall size, placement of hooks and shelves, accessibility to soap, hand drying features, cleanliness and décor. Southwest Regional ranked top of the list, Dulles a dismal bottom. Recently, I had the opportunity to dust off my scoring system as I travelled, fully masked and vaccinated, through five different airports in six days in service to our members.

Tags: Member value, Pets
By Louise Calderwood
22. We Can Help with Your Facility Energy Use

Have you ever walked through your plant on a weekend when no one was there and no production was happening? What did you see and hear? If you were lucky, you will be like the monkey and “see no evil, hear no evil.” But more than likely, you probably heard the low hiss of air leaks and saw evidence of steam leaks and steam trap malfunctions. Have you ever stopped to think about how much this “evil” could be costing your plant in wasted energy?

Tags: Member value, Environmental footprint
By Gary Huddleston
23. My Summer With AFIA

As July 9 suddenly sneaks up on me, my summer with the American Feed Industry Association as their 2021 summer communications intern is coming to an end. I have much to reflect and look back on. I feel like my summer had just begun, but then I blinked, and now I am saying (virtually) goodbye to the staff members here.

Tags: Member value
By Guest
24. Our 2021-22 To-Do List

With the kick-off of the American Feed Industry Association’s new fiscal year comes new priorities within the legislative and regulatory areas as set by the association’s Board of Directors. These priorities set the course for our work advocating on behalf of the membership at the state, federal and international levels. Here is a brief overview of the categories we will focus on this year.

Tags: Capitol Hill, Federal agencies, Advocacy, Trade, Ingredients, Member value, Policy priority series
By Leah Wilkinson
25. A Parting Message From AFIA's First Virtual Chairman

My time as chair of the Board of Directors for the American Feed Industry Association has come to an end. As I reflect back, I am reminded of a Swiss army aphorism:

“If the map and the terrain disagree, trust the terrain.”

Tags: Member value, Guest perspective
By Guest
26. All AFIA Members Are Member of the Year

The past year has been like no other. On March 11, 2020, when the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic, the personal and professional lives of more than 944,000 employees of the U.S. animal food industry forever changed.  

Tags: Member value
By AFIA Editor
27. Steve Kopperud Named Honorary Board Director

This year, the American Feed Industry Association has a new honor to bestow. For the first time, the AFIA Board of Directors posthumously names an honorary board director – Steve Kopperud of SLK Strategies.  

Tags: Member value
By AFIA Editor
28. RB Halaby – Years of Distinguished Service to the Feed Industry

The American Feed Industry Association’s highest honor – the Distinguished Service Award – is only given to the elite members of the U.S. animal food industry who have provided outstanding support to the AFIA and the entire animal food industry throughout their careers.  

Tags: Member value
By AFIA Editor
29. Bill McLean Recognized for Lifetime of Achievements

A lifetime of achievement – what a feat! Not many can say they have been recognized for their lifetime achievements. Today, a new individual joins the ranks.  

Tags: Member value
By AFIA Editor
30. Tempered and Ready

It is often said that the strongest steel is forged by the most intense fires. In an adversarial dance, it is pounded and struck repeatedly before it’s plunged back into the molten fire. The fire gives it power and flexibility, and the blows give it strength. Those two things make the metal pliable and able to withstand every battle it’s called upon to fight. We’ve just passed the one-year mark of living through the coronavirus pandemic. It’s hard not to reflect on where we have been during this challenging time, from canceling in-person events to adapting to a virtual environment to rethinking how we conduct our businesses to keep our employees safe and customers satisfied. 

Tags: Member value, Coronavirus
By Constance Cullman

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 55