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There are 1 item(s) tagged with the keyword "afia board chair".

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1. Reflections on My Tenure: A Farewell Address from Outgoing AFIA Board Chair

It is difficult to believe that my tenure as the American Feed Industry Association’s Board chair has ended. In some ways, it feels like I just got started and have more goals to accomplish. However, as I look back on this experience, I am appreciative of all that I learned, of the friendships made, and of the incredible staff and Board members that I was fortunate enough to work alongside. Over the course of my years in the feed industry, the AFIA played a significant role in my development and understanding of our landscape and potential future. Besides the current staff and Board, I owe a debt of gratitude to all the past employees and members who have shaped our organization. It has been my great honor to represent the AFIA as Board chair, and I hope I was able to repay some of what AFIA has offered me over the years. 

Tags: Board Chair, Board Chair Perspectives, AFIA Board Chair
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