Feed Bites

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There are 8 item(s) tagged with the keyword "online learning".

Displaying: 1 - 8 of 8

1. Going Back to College for a 24-Minute Lecture on Livestock and the Environment

We have all seen the headlines and had the conversations at our children’s sports games, the county fair or church regarding agriculture and saving the planet.

“Sarah, you work in agriculture, right? I was thinking about eating less meat to save the planet – what do you think?”

Tags: Environmental footprint, Online learning
By Sarah Novak
2. A Few Observations from the Alliance's Summit

Last week, a few of our staff, myself included, participated in the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s annual Stakeholders Summit, held virtually this year. The theme, “Obstacles to Opportunities,” couldn’t be more fitting as speakers discussed how the world has changed due to the coronavirus pandemic and provided myriad examples of the ways that U.S. agriculture continues to adapt to meet the needs of consumers and evolve to address future global sustainability and nutrition challenges. 

Tags: Online learning
By Victoria Broehm
3. Feed Education Spans the Globe

Did you know that animal food industry professionals from every continent except Antarctica have attended an American Feed Industry Association event or educational program?  

Tags: Online learning, Brazil, Ireland, Malaysia, Turkey, Pakistan
By Erica Burson
4. My Personal FMT Journey

I started my career in 1984 after graduating college by going to work for Southern States Cooperative. Following a short stint in the retail division and as a store manager, I made the move to the feed division as a plant superintendent in a Southern States feed mill. Part of my “feed education” included attending the Kansas State University two-week short course on feed manufacturing in 1988. That’s when I was formally introduced to the larger feed industry. 

Tags: Online learning
By Gary Huddleston
5. Top 5 Tips to Make Virtual IPPE Week a Good One

Normally, a week before the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE), I’m busy checking lists on what we shipped to Atlanta, confirming flights and hotel reservations and picking up my dry cleaning so I’m ready to pack my luggage. This year, like much of the past 10 months, is very different. Who knew last year when I was in Atlanta that it would be one of my last flights for the year and my last time to see so many of my industry friends?

Tags: IPPE, Online learning
By Sarah Novak
6. Distance Learning – Can the Agriculture Industry Help?

As I sit down to write this blog, my home office is shared with my second grader, while my sixth and ninth graders work from their bedrooms. The 2020-21 school year is not exactly how I planned it would be, but we are all adjusting. It’s been a while since I have shared an office with anyone and I’ve learned that noise cancelling headphones for both of us is very helpful! As teachers are pivoting to teach online (and parents who are supplementing during asynchronous time so they can do their jobs), I thought about all the agricultural groups that have pulled together great educational resources that can be used for school-aged children. 

Tags: Online learning
By Sarah Novak
7. Virtual PISC Proves Animal Food Industry is Open for Business

Last week, we all settled into our home office chairs to listen to industry experts discuss important issues affecting the animal food industry. As a former Seattleite, I was looking forward to seeing industry colleagues in the Emerald City this past March for the American Feed Industry Association’s Purchasing and Ingredient Suppliers Conference, which was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the webinar series that replaced it did not disappoint!

Tags: Coronavirus, Capitol Hill, Online learning, PISC, African swine fever, Trade, Education
By Victoria Broehm
8. New Training Modules Offer Flexibility, Convenience & Affordability to Online Learners

When it comes to professional development and training, we generally want what’s quick and easy so we can get back to doing what we do best -- our jobs. What if we told you there’s a new option to build your skills that’s affordable, convenient and high-quality? I’m talking about the American Feed Industry Association’s new online, on-demand modules that allow feed industry employees to learn more about feed production and their specific roles in a way that fits their schedules and budget.

Tags: Online learning, Member value, Education
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 1 - 8 of 8