Feed Bites

APHIS and The Animal Food Industry Continue Collaboration at IPPE

Written by: Mallory Gaines   |   February 20, 2024

APHIS, IPPE, Animal Food

Last year, the American Feed Industry Association did something a little different at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE). We partnered with the Pet Food Institute, the North American Renderers Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to bring a training to animal food members on how to complete export packets and conduct facility audits. The training was a success, and attendees wanted more content and face time with APHIS! 

This year at IPPE, we brought a new twist to our APHIS program. APHIS presented how its staff negotiates export protocols with countries, how long the negotiating process typically takes, how APHIS determines which countries it will be negotiating with and what types of products the agency will discuss.  

This discussion led into the program’s second session featuring “topic tables.” Tent tables were laid out, each with a specific topic, each table hosted by 1-2 APHIS staff. Small groups of industry participants rotated through the tables and discussed each topic with the APHIS staff. This intimate setting allowed participants to have their questions answered and learn from each other and APHIS. It was an opportunity for APHIS to hear directly from members as well.  

The chair of AFIA’s Global Affairs Committee Chris Spangenberg with Arm and Hammer Animal and Food Production, who attended the session, said it was an excellent meeting:  

“Getting one-on-one time with APHIS staff is a great opportunity. We were able to meet, learn from and discuss industry challenges and opportunities with both APHIS headquarters and field staff in an intimate setting.” 

The AFIA thanks our association partners for another successful meeting with APHIS and sends a big thank you to APHIS for continuing to collaborate with the animal food industry to solve problems, maintain continuity of business for AFIA members and celebrate successes. We look forward to continuing to develop programs with APHIS.  


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