Feed Bites

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There are 13 item(s) tagged with the keyword "vietnam".

Displaying: 11 - 13 of 13

11. AFIA Now Has Boots on the Ground In Vietnam

The American Feed Industry Association has expanded efforts into Vietnam - this has been many years in the making! Through the support of the Foreign Agricultural Service’s Market Access Program funds, we are now implementing market access and development programs for the U.S. animal food industry in the country. Our work in Vietnam focuses on improving the competitiveness of U.S. animal food products by educating and demonstrating the variety, efficacy, quality, viability, safety and sustainability of U.S. feed products. 

Tags: Vietnam, Trade
By Gina Tumbarello
12. Part Two: Vietnam - a Possible Antidote to Increasing Global Uncertainty

In a time of ever-changing global markets, competition and general uncertainty, keeping abreast of and open to new opportunities for U.S. animal food products can provide an alternative means for survival. In my last blog, I discussed how Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia and boasts very real, untapped potential. It warrants further investigation by the American Feed Industry Association as well as U.S. businesses interested in expanding.

Tags: Vietnam, Trade, Guest perspective, Member value
By Guest
13. Part One: Looking to Diversify Your Portfolio? Consider Vietnam

Even before the pandemic, the protracted trade war between the U.S. and China and widespread animal disease outbreaks in Asia left supply chains frayed and sales in question. Since the introduction of COVID-19, the economic slowdown and uncertainty around some of the basics, such as the availability of flights, containers and other logistics to export markets, has further put the pinch on sales. If it is not already in your export portfolio, animal food manufacturers should consider Vietnam and whether there is value and sales opportunities there.

Tags: Vietnam, Trade, Guest perspective, Member value
By Guest

Displaying: 11 - 13 of 13