Feed Bites

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There are 27 item(s) tagged with the keyword "coronavirus".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 27

11. International Cooperation: You're Either a Joiner or Not

As individuals, you either like working with others or you don’t. We discover these things about ourselves during our school years and these traits develop further during our careers. As a trade association, these same behavioral tendencies also exist. Overall, I would say the U.S. animal food industry tends to play well with others. This is demonstrated by the work of American Feed Industry Association members and by AFIA’s membership in the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF).

Tags: Coronavirus
By Leah Wilkinson
12. Connecting Rural America is the Key to Our Collective Future

As a farmer-owned cooperative, Land O’Lakes sees firsthand the enormous strain the coronavirus pandemic has caused for communities across rural America, and for the agriculture industry that was already reeling from trade dynamics and poor growing conditions in 2019. Like everyone else, farmers and their rural neighbors have also grappled with the dramatic shift of carrying out everyday activities via online platforms due to COVID-19. Land O’Lakes sees first-hand how the digital divide (those that have high-speed internet access, commonly known as broadband, and those that don't) has only been further exacerbated by the pandemic, making it nearly impossible for rural residents to keep up with schoolwork, business and even doctors’ appointments.

Tags: Guest perspective, Supporting local communities, Coronavirus, Ensuring a stable food supply
By Guest
13. Reinforcing the Value of Animal Agriculture throughout COVID-19

When the Animal Agriculture Alliance and the American Feed Industry Association were approached to sign onto a letter on the value of animal agriculture, neither group hesitated to fully support this initiative. We needed to say with one, loud voice – animal agriculture is not to blame for the coronavirus pandemic and in fact, we may offer an important part of the solution.

Tags: Coronavirus, Ensuring a stable food supply
By Sarah Novak
14. Members Go Above and Beyond to Help Communities During COVID-19

Since writing the first post on April 17 highlighting all the ways our members are giving back to their local communities throughout the COVID-19 crisis, I continued to see many more reports of our members going above and beyond. I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge all the great things these companies have done to help people during this time.

Tags: Coronavirus, Supporting local communities
By Sarah Novak
15. Druker Discusses Industry Response to COVID-19, AFIA Policy Priorities

At its recent meeting, the American Feed Industry Association’s Board of Directors discussed many topics, but Scott Druker of Church & Dwight Company, the new Board chair for 2020-21, said that at the forefront was the industry’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Tags: Coronavirus, Member value, Vlog
By AFIA Editor
16. Behold - The Power of Yeast

Over the past two months as we have all hunkered down in our own ways to aid in public actions against the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have looked to the comfort of homemade bread as a way to ease the effects of changed work and social norms. The power of yeast, a single-celled fungus, to convert flour and sugar to fragrant, chewy, delicious bread, is amazing. Humans first used yeast to produce raised breads around 3,000 B.C. But what about the value of yeast in animal feeds? In the last few decades, the same class of organisms that provide delicious food for humans are being considered as important nutrients and immune enhancers for many different animals.

Tags: Coronavirus, Ingredients, Animal nutrition
By Louise Calderwood
17. Outgoing AFIA Board Chair Delivers Video Message to Members

Tim Belstra of Belstra Milling, the American Feed Industry Association’s 2019-20 Board chair, delivered a short video message today to members detailing how the animal food industry is supporting local communities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: Coronavirus, Supporting local communities, Member value, Vlog
By AFIA Editor
18. Supporting the Ag Industry on Social Media During COVID-19

In this tumultuous time, our industry plays an important role in not only getting fact-based news and information out, but also in sharing the powerful story of our industry employees, who continue to report to work to ensure a stable feed and pet food supply. The American Feed Industry Association is participating in and following a few social media initiatives to help share the stories of the agriculture industry and we hope that you will join us. 

Tags: Coronavirus, Ensuring a stable food supply, Our role in ag
By Lacie Dotterweich
19. AFIA President & CEO Delivers Video Message to Members

American Feed Industry Association President and CEO Constance Cullman delivered a short video message today to members detailing how the association is addressing industry challenges in light of the novel coronavirus pandemic. She asks that members continue sharing their concerns with the staff so that our essential industry can make it through the public health crisis together.

Tags: Coronavirus, Vlog, Ensuring a stable food supply, Member value, Supporting local communities
By AFIA Editor
20. Giving Back During COVID-19

The headlines across the news and social media are daunting. They range from people needing help feeding their families and pets to medical and first responders calling for more personal protective equipment (PPE) so that they can stay safe while caring for others. Did you know, the U.S. animal food industry is working in many areas to help others during these tough times? Are you wondering how you or your company can help during the novel coronavirus pandemic? Below are a few examples from around the industry and ideas to consider.

Tags: Coronavirus, Supporting local communities
By Sarah Novak

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 27