Feed Bites

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There are 17 item(s) tagged with the keyword "worker safety".

Displaying: 11 - 17 of 17

11. Answering Your Questions on COVID-19

Over the past few weeks, we have received several questions from members, media and the public about the novel coronavirus’s impacts on the animal food industry and its products. American consumers are rightly concerned about access to affordable and nutritious protein and dairy products for their families and pet food for their companion animals during this trying time. The American Feed Industry Association has responded to these questions, based on what we have learned from our members and regulatory agencies.

Tags: Coronavirus, Member value, Worker safety, Ensuring a stable food supply
By Victoria Broehm
12. I Can't Find N95 Respirators: Now What Do I Do?

Many feed manufacturing facilities may suddenly find it difficult to obtain N95 respirators (sometimes incorrectly referred to as N95 face masks) due to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. N95 disposable respirators are commonly used in our industry to protect the health of employees handling hazardous materials. As the country is facing a temporary shortage of this personal protective equipment, there are several things that facility managers may want to think through concerning their facility’s respirator program.

Tags: Coronavirus, Worker safety
By Gary Huddleston
13. We're All In This Together: Wilkinson Describes Industry's Actions to Combat COVID-19

“It’s a challenging time but I think our industry, the animal food industry, we’re here. We’re ready to help. We’re going to make sure our livestock and poultry and companion animals have the food that they need so you and I can continue to have the food that we need…for our families.”

Tags: Coronavirus, Supporting local communities, Ensuring a stable food supply, Podcast, Worker safety
By Victoria Broehm
14. Coronavirus Is Here. Time to Flatten the Curve.

A lot has changed since our last blog on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on March 6. In fact, it seems information is changing hourly. Companies and individuals are now trying to figure out how they can “flatten the curve” instead of wondering if the deadly virus will really spread across the U.S.

Tags: Coronavirus, Worker safety, Ensuring a stable food supply
By Leah Wilkinson & Sarah Novak
15. Cleanliness, Safety Go Hand in Hand at Koch's Morton Mill

“A clean work area is a safe work area.” That is the messaging prominently displayed at the Koch Farms mill located in Morton, Miss., and, to mill manager Frank Garczynski those aren’t merely words. A clean facility and a safe work environment go hand in hand and are the center of his team’s daily mission.

Tags: Worker safety, Feed Facility of the Year
By Guest
16. Safety 101 in the Feed Industry: A Q&A with Plant Managers on Instilling a Strong Safety Culture

“Safety first!” This age-old adage rings just as true today as it did when it originated in the 1900s. The American Feed Industry Association recently asked a few of its members to discuss how they make sure safety always comes first, especially when onboarding new employees.

Tags: Worker safety
By Sarah Novak
17. Recognizing the Best of the Best – Famo Feeds

What makes a feed facility “the best?” Modern equipment, efficient operations and high-quality ingredients are all very important aspects, but it goes beyond that.  

Tags: Feed Facility of the Year, Worker safety
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 11 - 17 of 17