Feed Bites

Feed Bites Archive

Equipment Manufacturing: Passing the Torch
January 12, 2021
Equipment Manufacturing: Passing the Torch

As baby boomers reach retirement age and start to make plans to leave their careers behind in favor of warmer climates, recreation and much deserved rest, there is also the drawback for the companies they work for as the wealth of knowledge they possess, leaves with them. No industry is exempt from the challenges that will come with the transition of power from the baby boomers to generation X and millennials. As the torches get passed down, it is crucial that a well-thought-out succession plan exists to aid the next generation of leaders and keep them on the path to continued success with as few hiccups as possible.

By Guest
COVID-19 Disrupted Food Supply Chain, What Lessons Have Been Learned?
October 7, 2020
COVID-19 Disrupted Food Supply Chain, What Lessons Have Been Learned?

What the food supply chain experienced in March and how it responded to an almost overnight shift in consumer demand from foodservice to home kitchens in light of the coronavirus pandemic was “nothing short of remarkable.” That was the sentiment several of the country’s leading food companies told attendees at The Wall Street Journal’s Global Food Forum on Monday.

By Victoria Broehm
Consumer Trust in Food and Agriculture Is Up
September 24, 2020
Consumer Trust in Food and Agriculture Is Up

Here’s an interesting new finding: out of all U.S. business sectors, Americans are currently feeling the most positive about the food and agriculture industries, says a recent Gallup survey. This is the first time in Gallup’s 20 years of tracking views of business and industry sectors that farming and agriculture have overtaken the former top ranking industries of restaurants and computers.

By Victoria Broehm & Lacie Dotterweich
Year One with AFIA: Not the One We Expected
August 17, 2020
Year One with AFIA: Not the One We Expected

It has been about a year since I joined the American Feed Industry Association. I can say without a doubt – it has not been the year I expected! Instead of spending my days on the road meeting AFIA’s members in their offices or at their facilities, attending events and seeing the AFIA team work with our members to deliver first-class education and networking events, or meeting in-person with elected officials and government representatives, half of the year has been spent learning a new way of doing business.

By Constance Cullman
California Bill Will Divert Nutritious Byproducts from Feed, Hike GHG Emissions
July 31, 2020
California Bill Will Divert Nutritious Byproducts from Feed, Hike GHG Emissions

One of the main reasons the American Feed Industry Association formed over a century ago was to harmonize state feed laws. Now, in 2020, our organization still tracks legislative and regulatory issues of importance happening at the state level, and recent actions in California highlighted yet another urgent reason why this is necessary.

By Victoria Broehm
Cell-Cultured Meat: Is It Really Right-Around-the-Corner?
August 3, 2020
Cell-Cultured Meat: Is It Really Right-Around-the-Corner?

Cell-cultured muscle is not a new phenomenon. In 1885, Wilhelm Roux was able to culture cells from the neural plate of a chicken embryo for a few days. Those early experiments eventually expanded to a variety of cell types, including muscle.

By Guest
Virtual PISC Proves Animal Food Industry is Open for Business
July 27, 2020
Virtual PISC Proves Animal Food Industry is Open for Business

Last week, we all settled into our home office chairs to listen to industry experts discuss important issues affecting the animal food industry. As a former Seattleite, I was looking forward to seeing industry colleagues in the Emerald City this past March for the American Feed Industry Association’s Purchasing and Ingredient Suppliers Conference, which was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the webinar series that replaced it did not disappoint!

By Victoria Broehm
International Cooperation: You're Either a Joiner or Not
July 23, 2020
International Cooperation: You're Either a Joiner or Not

As individuals, you either like working with others or you don’t. We discover these things about ourselves during our school years and these traits develop further during our careers. As a trade association, these same behavioral tendencies also exist. Overall, I would say the U.S. animal food industry tends to play well with others. This is demonstrated by the work of American Feed Industry Association members and by AFIA’s membership in the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF).

By Leah Wilkinson
Connecting Rural America is the Key to Our Collective Future
June 26, 2020
Connecting Rural America is the Key to Our Collective Future

As a farmer-owned cooperative, Land O’Lakes sees firsthand the enormous strain the coronavirus pandemic has caused for communities across rural America, and for the agriculture industry that was already reeling from trade dynamics and poor growing conditions in 2019. Like everyone else, farmers and their rural neighbors have also grappled with the dramatic shift of carrying out everyday activities via online platforms due to COVID-19. Land O’Lakes sees first-hand how the digital divide (those that have high-speed internet access, commonly known as broadband, and those that don't) has only been further exacerbated by the pandemic, making it nearly impossible for rural residents to keep up with schoolwork, business and even doctors’ appointments.

By Guest
Reinforcing the Value of Animal Agriculture throughout COVID-19
June 16, 2020
Reinforcing the Value of Animal Agriculture throughout COVID-19

When the Animal Agriculture Alliance and the American Feed Industry Association were approached to sign onto a letter on the value of animal agriculture, neither group hesitated to fully support this initiative. We needed to say with one, loud voice – animal agriculture is not to blame for the coronavirus pandemic and in fact, we may offer an important part of the solution.

By Sarah Novak

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