Feed Bites

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There are 38 item(s) tagged with the keyword "ingredients".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 38

11. Revisiting the 7 R's of Feed Additives for Sustainable Methane Mitigation

In 1991, Dr. Mike Hutjens, emeritus professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois, defined four key factors for evaluating feed additives: Response, Returns, Research and Results (Hutjens, 1991). Dr. Hutjens later added 3 additional Rs for industry professionals to consider: Repeatability, Reliability and Relativity. Feed additives that claim to reduce methane emissions from cattle will emerge as potential tools to mitigate climate change. The pressure to consider their use will be significant. However, we must consider these seven Rs when evaluating the efficacy, economics and safety of feed additives to inhibit enteric methane emissions from cattle without impacting animal performance, farm profitability or consumer acceptance of the technology.

Tags: Sustainability, Dairy, Ingredients
By Guest
12. Understanding the Implications of GM-Free Feed

In recent years, an increasing number of foods are being marketed and labeled as free of genetically modified (GM) ingredients. For milk, meat or eggs, this means the animals these foods come from are fed exclusively non-GM feed. You need to look no further than current headlines to see the attention given to rising food prices, the need to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other sustainability elements.  

Tags: IFEEDER, Ingredients
By Lara Moody
13. Possibilities Abound for Reducing Environmental Footprint Through Feed

When it comes to reducing enteric methane emissions in ruminant livestock, there is a “robust body of knowledge waiting to be implemented” on U.S. farms, but challenges getting these novel ingredients approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use continue to stymie progress. That was the take-home message the American Feed Industry Association’s Paul Davis, Ph.D., delivered at last week’s U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Outlook Forum.

Tags: Environmental footprint, Ingredients
By Victoria Broehm
14. Hemp in Animal Food: Sure, It's There, But Is It Legal?

A quick internet search will pull up hundreds of animal treats and snacks containing hemp and hemp derivatives, such as CBD and various oils. The label promises the products will bring animals relief for anxiety or pain and better skin and coat health. There is only one problem: there is no legal way to offer hemp in animal food or treats.

Tags: Hemp, Ingredients
By Louise Calderwood
15. New Video Series Serves Up Empty Plate

Unfortunately, last week brought another misleading attack on the American agriculture community. The New York Times used its platform to dish out a one-sided opinion video that paints the entire food industry in a negative light. The  title alone, “Getting Paid to Kill Our Planet,” is disappointing, given it defies everything I know about those who work in this industry and have dedicated their lives to improving the world in which we live for current and future generations.

Tags: Environmental footprint, Ingredients, IFEEDER
By Guest
16. There is No Silver Bullet to Climate Change – But That Doesn't Mean We Aren't Trying

Dr. Joseph McFadden’s opinion piece in The Hill this week was a good reminder to me how there is no simple answer to “fixing” the climate issues our world faces. There is no one “silver bullet” identified yet that will fix the situation. However, that is not for lack of trying.  

Tags: Environmental footprint, Ingredients
By Leah Wilkinson
17. Rendering is Recycling

As the director of communications for the North American Renderers Association (NARA), I’ve had the opportunity to spread the word about rendering’s enormous sustainability benefits and how our industry assists many others by producing countless new goods made with rendered material – proving that rendering really is (in the literal definition of the term) recycling.

Tags: Guest perspective, Environmental footprint, Ingredients
By Guest
18. The State of the States: Changes to Feed Industry Legislation in 2021

What do industrial hemp, pet neutering and packaging materials all have in common?

They are all issues being considered by state legislatures and being tracked by the American Feed Industry Association in our efforts to promote harmonization between state laws and regulations, protect against fees paid by the feed industry and not directly tied to regulation, and encourage a fair business climate for our members. As many state legislatures are wrapping up their sessions, the AFIA is reviewing its wins and losses (and in some cases our draws) for the year.

Tags: Advocacy, Ingredients, Federal agencies, Policy priority series, Hemp
By Louise Calderwood
19. AFIA Members Strive for Excellence, Gov Partners Should Too

Our members strive every day for excellence in researching and developing new ingredients for use in feed and pet food. It is our responsibility to bring products to the market that are safe for the intended species and perform as promised. So why should our expectations from our government when it comes to their job of reviewing the safety and efficacy of those new animal food ingredients be any different?

Tags: Ingredients, Federal agencies, Policy priority series
By Leah Wilkinson
20. Our 2021-22 To-Do List

With the kick-off of the American Feed Industry Association’s new fiscal year comes new priorities within the legislative and regulatory areas as set by the association’s Board of Directors. These priorities set the course for our work advocating on behalf of the membership at the state, federal and international levels. Here is a brief overview of the categories we will focus on this year.

Tags: Capitol Hill, Federal agencies, Advocacy, Trade, Ingredients, Member value, Policy priority series
By Leah Wilkinson

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 38