Feed Bites

Overcoming Challenges, While Working Together

Written by: Constance Cullman   |   August 24, 2022

Today, the American Feed Industry Association released our annual, “Our Industry, Our Promise” report, providing a status update on the challenges the U.S. animal food industry is facing at home and abroad and the ways our staff is working to address them head-on. But, if you will allow me a moment, I would like to share how our successes were not borne from our work alone.

American individualism, and the independence and self-reliance associated with it, is frequently cited as what sets us apart, but it is when we unite that we experience moments of greatness – launching the democratic experiment, defeating tyranny and exploring space all resulted from individuals coming together for a common cause. Working together, we have met challenges, found solutions and created amazing new beginnings.

The U.S. animal food industry knew this to be true in 1909 when the AFIA got its start and remains committed to working together today. Global, and sometimes unexpected, turmoil continued throughout 2021 and into 2022, but through it all, our industry stayed strong, worked together and formed new partnerships along the journey.

The AFIA serves as a means to speak with one industry voice about global supply chain challenges, the need for regulatory modernization and the importance of championing the innovative solutions that will allow us all to thrive. And yet, even as a unified animal food sector, we couldn’t do it alone.

The U.S. Congress and administration took notice when farmers, ranchers, agribusiness and environmental groups joined us in calling for much-needed regulatory improvements and modern trade policies to ensure they are not left behind as other countries move forward with new feed technologies.

The United Nations (U.N.) took notice when the U.S. food and agriculture supply chain was joined by its counterparts around the world in calling for a positive dialogue about sustainable agriculture production, one that discussed real solutions and challenges and valued innovation, instead of one that looked to undo years of scientific progress.

Disruptions in the supply chain will inevitably stay with us throughout 2022 and unfortunately into 2023, but so too will our commitment to work with industry partners and governments around the world to resolve bottlenecks, identify new opportunities and navigate the global uncertainties posed by pandemics, production shortages and political unrest.

The road ahead of us is rough and winding but we know it is wide enough for us all to walk together. The AFIA will be your partner on this road – working together we will thrive.

I invite you all to read (or listen!) to our latest state of the industry report.


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