Feed Bites

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There are 4 item(s) tagged with the keyword "economies".

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4

1. What Does the War in Ukraine Mean for Agriculture?

Ukrainian wheat fields turned mine fields and farmers turned soldiers – the implications of these disruptions will be felt in global agriculture for years to come. Recent news coverage has been peppered with stories of Russia’s brutal attacks on Ukrainian citizens, including its efforts to destroy the infrastructure necessary to sustain the Ukrainian people and export agricultural commodities to the global marketplace. While these stories certainly pull at our heartstrings, and as an industry, we are working diligently to head off a looming food crisis, we are also concerned about what the long-term ramifications may be from this war. 

Tags: Economies, Ensuring a stable food supply
By Lacie Dotterweich
2. Just Swallow the Frog

“If I told you your world was going to change, is your immediate response dread or optimism?”

Joseph Kerns, president of Partners for Production Agriculture, prompted this question to attendees at the American Feed Industry Association’s recent Purchasing and Ingredient Suppliers Conference. He emphasized that change in global markets is inevitable and it’s important to be ready for it, naming examples such as the impact of renewable diesel on operations and what Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions mean for global grain supplies.

Tags: PISC, Economies
By Lacie Dotterweich
3. Economic Contribution? Or Impact of the Feed Industry?

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” We knew the U.S. animal food industry paid taxes – but we just didn’t know how much of an impression on the economy it had, until the Institute for Feed Education and Research commissioned a report on the animal feed industry’s economic contribution in 2016.  

Tags: Economies, IFEEDER
By Sarah Novak
4. Weather, Cattle and Markets – What to Expect

This week, the American Feed Industry Association held its Digital Dialogues webinar series, highlighting what we can expect for the weather, cattle and global markets.

Tags: Trade, Economies, Member value, Brazil
By Lacie Dotterweich

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4