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There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "economics".

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

1. The Impact of Macroeconomic Trends on Agribusinesses

One of the things I enjoy most about summer is the opportunity to catch up on reading that often gets pushed to the back burner during busy meeting seasons. It was a treat, this summer, to read a collection of articles on the University of Illinois farmdocdaily site and consider how macroeconomic trends might be shaping the future of U.S. food and agriculture.  

Tags: Macroeconomics, Trends, Economics
By Constance Cullman
2. The Future of Ag: How Disrupters Can Help Us Think Outside the Box

You see it all the time – claims that meat consumption is drastically dropping in favor of alternatives – but one expert said, it’s just not true.

Tags: Economics, Our role in ag
By Lacie Dotterweich & Victoria Broehm
3. Cell-Cultured Meat: Is It Really Right-Around-the-Corner?

Cell-cultured muscle is not a new phenomenon. In 1885, Wilhelm Roux was able to culture cells from the neural plate of a chicken embryo for a few days. Those early experiments eventually expanded to a variety of cell types, including muscle.

Tags: Guest perspective, Economics, Federal agencies
By Guest

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3