Feed Bites

The Time to Explore the Brazil Market Is NOW!

Written by: Mallory Gaines   |   May 1, 2024

FAS, Global Competitiveness, Trade, Brazil

At the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), we are committed to expanding opportunities for our members. Gina Tumbarello, Ivy Torres and I manage global affairs for AFIA, overseeing animal food import and export challenges, navigating policies that impact opportunities to trade and implementing market development programs. Our goal is simple: to ensure our members’ ability to thrive, expand and grow by successfully entering new markets abroad, while also maintaining access to the current markets. 

Two years ago, we used grant money from the U.S. Department of Agriculture through the Emerging Markets Program (EMP) to conduct a market assessment of Brazil. Overall, Brazil is an accomplished marketplace, where Brazilians show interest in U.S. products and trust their high quality and value. Read about some of our exploration of this market on the AFIA Feed Bites blog. (Members can learn more about our initial market assessment by watching our member webinar here.)  

A couple of weeks ago, I went back to Brazil to do a more in-depth scoping mission, based on a member survey where we gauged interest in exporting animal feed ingredients to the Brazilian marketplace. I attended AveSui, a poultry and swine trade show in the state of Paraná, and then headed to São Paulo for meetings with feed companies, distributors, associations and the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) staff posted in the city. My key questions included:  

How do U.S. companies compete in the Brazilian marketplace? What can the U.S. contribute? And where do we begin? 

The U.S. thrives on innovation, and U.S. companies are producing products that offer unique advantages in global markets, but what are we producing that is not available in Brazil’s market? How do our products surpass those from European and Chinese competitors? We need to bring offerings that provide a competitive edge. These products can enhance feed efficiency, reduce, prevent and control diseases and improve gut health. The U.S. can contribute technology and expertise, and we must begin with building stronger business-to-business relationships.  

And so I say, let’s go to Brazil!  

I invite members who are seriously interested in exporting animal feed ingredients and additives to Brazil to join me and Ivy, on a sellers’ mission to São Paulo the week of Aug. 5. We will attend SIAVS, one of Brazil’s largest agricultural trade shows, providing members an opportunity to learn about the Brazilian market firsthand. Members will also have the chance to connect with Brazilian buyers and distributors, paving the way for future business opportunities.  

Utilizing our EMP funds, the AFIA can cover some travel expenses to six members. To express interest in joining the trade mission, please fill out AFIA’s form by May 22. Applicants must be AFIA members intending to export from the U.S. to Brazil. For questions or comments please contact me, Mallory Gaines, or Ivy Torres.  

One last time for good measure: LET’S GO TO BRAZIL!  

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