Feed Bites

Working Toward Moving Our Sustainable Journey Forward

Written by: Sarah Novak   |   October 18, 2023

When it comes to sustainability, the American Feed Industry Association has wrestled in recent years with where its policy team should focus efforts, particularly as it engages in diverse dialogues both nationally and on the international stage. This summer, the AFIA Sustainability Committee reviewed and approved focus areas for the association, and last week, the AFIA Board of Directors reviewed and supported the plan.  

The plan focuses on various critical areas, including circular economy adoption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction, efficient nutrient management, enhanced research and development, science-based regulations, education and training initiatives, collaboration and incentivizing sustainable practices. The detailed focus areas are as follows:

  1. Circular Economy – Support policies that promote a circular economy approach within the animal food industry. Encourage the reduction of waste and the development of innovative feed production processes that maximize resource efficiency, minimize pollution and promote recycling and reuse.


  1. GHG Emissions – Advocate for and support the development and adoption of feed technologies, ingredients and practices both in animal feeding and at the animal food manufacturing facility that reduce the GHG footprint of livestock, poultry, horses and pets. 

  1. Nutrient Management – Promote policies that encourage responsible nutrient management in animal production, including the adoption of precision feeding techniques and technologies that optimize nutrient utilization, reduce nutrient losses and minimize the environmental impact of excess nutrients on soil and water quality. 

  1. Research and Development – Advocate for increased funding for research and development in feed technology and sustainability practices. Support policies that prioritize research on feed efficiency and innovations that reduce environmental impacts while maintaining animal health and performance. 

  1. Science-based Regulations and Standards – Support science-based and outcome-oriented environmental regulations that incentivize and reward sustainable practices in the feed industry. Work to limit regulations and policies that set unrealistic targets for reducing environmental impacts, constrain flexibility for innovation and adaptation, or ignore strides in continuous improvement. 

  1. Education and Training Opportunities – Support initiatives that raise awareness about sustainable animal production through ration development and feeding practices and provide resources to implement them effectively. 

  1. Collaboration and Partnerships – Foster collaboration and public/private partnerships among the feed industry, government agencies, nongovernmental organizations and other stakeholders. Support the establishment of platforms and fora for sharing knowledge, best practices and solutions to address environmental challenges associated with animal production. 

  1. Incentive and Support Programs – Advocate for the implementation of incentive and cost-share programs for producers to support industry investments and continuous improvement in sustainable feed technologies. 


If interested in getting more involved in AFIA’s sustainability work via our committee or want to share a story about your company’s sustainability journey, please drop a comment below. 


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